🔭 I’m currently working on NimbusFS
🌱 I’m currently learning Golang
📫 How to reach me monalworkmail@gmail.com
⚡ Resume - https://jade-ginny-98.tiiny.site/
ScribbleSync is a White-boarding application that allows users to draw shapes, diagrams, and freeform drawings collaboratively in real-time. It provides a seamless and intuitive interface for users…
NimbusDFS is a content-addressable p2p distributed file system designed to provide efficient & reliable data storage across multiple nodes ensuring redundancy and high availability.
Chatopia stands as a real-time text chat platform, constructed using the MERN stack. Leveraging the Context API for streamlined state management and sockets.io for dynamic web-socket communication
My personal Neovim configuration. It includes settings, key mappings, plugins, and themes tailored to my preferences and workflow
Welcome to my learning playground! This repository is a collection of diverse projects and experiments that I'm working on as I explore and deepen my skills in various technologies. Project-buildin…
JavaScript 1