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Get Packing Traveller: Your Ultimate Anytime, Anywhere Travel Itinerary GeneratorGenerate travel itinerary for anytime, anywhere


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This repository contains the source code for the AI powered travel planner, Get Packing Traveller



Required Tech

  • A computer (Windows or Mac is fine)
  • node.js installed on your machine
  • an IDE or text editor (ideally vs code)
  • [OPTIONAL] Docker

How to Run the App

Check out this document for an in depth guide on how to install dependencies, adding environment variables and running the application in the dev and prod environments.

How to Contribute

Setting up your Devolpment Environment

Clone Git Repository

Clone the git repository:git clone

Setting up Environment Variables And Client and Server Dependencies

Check out this document for an in depth guide on how to install dependencies, adding environment variables and running the application in the dev and prod environments.

Coding Standards and Best Practices

We use React Bootstrap for UI components.

(Recommended) Install the ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets extension for VS Code to enhance your development workflow.

Directory Structure and Where to Add New Files

  • React Components: Add new React components inside the src/components directory.

  • Server Routes: New server routes should be added inside the server/routes directory.

  • Features: Any new feature modules should be added inside the src/features directory.

Contributing New Features or Changes

1)Always pull the latest changes from the main branch before starting your work: git pull origin main

2)Create a new branch for your feature or change: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name

3)After completing your work, push your changes to the repository: git push origin feature/your-feature-name

4)reate a pull request (PR) from your branch to the main branch. Ensure to add relevant reviewers for your PR.

5)After your PR is reviewed and approved, it will be merged into the main branch.

Troubleshooting Guide

Encountering issues while setting up or developing the project is not uncommon. Below are some common problems and their respective solutions to help you get past them quickly.

  1. NPM Install Fails

Problem: If you encounter errors while running npm install.


  • Ensure you have the correct version of Node.js and npm installed. You can check your version by running node -v and npm -v.

  • Delete the node_modules/ folder and package-lock.json file in both client and server directories, then run npm install again.

  1. Docker Containers Not Starting

Problem: Docker containers fail to start when running docker-compose up.


  • Ensure Docker is running. You can check if Docker is running by executing docker info.

  • Check the logs by running docker-compose logs to identify the specific issue.

  • Ensure all required environment variables and configurations are properly set.

  1. API Keys Not Working

Problem: The application is not connecting to external services.


  • Ensure the .env file is correctly placed in the server directory and has the right keys and values.

  • Restart the server after adding or modifying the .env file to ensure the changes take effect.

  1. Changes Not Reflecting

Problem: Code changes are not reflecting in the application.


  • Ensure the application is being recompiled and reloaded after making changes. In the case of Docker, rebuild the containers using docker-compose up --build.

  • Clear the browser cache or try another browser to ensure the changes are not being masked by cached data.

Pull Request (PR) Strategy

What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

  • Refactor
  • Feature
  • Bug Fix
  • Optimisation
  • Documentation Update


  • Refactor: Improving the code quality, readabililty, or maintainablity of existing code.
  • Feature: Adding a new feature or capabilities to the project.
  • Bug Fix: Fixing a bug or resolving an issue.
  • Optimisation: Improving code or system performance and efficiency.
  • Documentation Update: Enhance project documentation to ensure accuracy and usability.


Briefly describe the purpose and scope of your pull request.

e.g. This PR resolves the issue where the locations weren't loading on the map on the itinerary page.

Related Tickets & Documents

If your pull request is related to an issue or document, you can link them by using the following keywords:

e.g. Related Issue #99

  • Closes #99
  • Fixes #99
  • Resolves #99

Any of these three keywords (closes, fixes, resolves) will link the pull request to the issue and indicate that the issue will automically be closed when the pull request is merged.

QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings

Please replace this line with instructions on how to test your changes, a note on the devices and browsers this has been tested on, as well as any relevant images and/or recording(s) for UI changes.


Testing Instructions:

  • Generate an itinerary on the Travel Planner page.
  • Verify that the markers load correctly on the map on the Itinerary page.
  • Check for any error messages or unexpected behaviour when loading the itinerary page.

Devices/Browsers Tested On:

  • Devices: MacBook Pro, Desktop
  • Browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

Screenshots for UI Changes:



UI accessibility checklist

If your PR includes UI changes, please utilise this checklist:

  • Semantic HTML implemented?
  • Keyboard operability supported?
  • Checked with axe DevTools and addressed Critical and Serious issues?
  • Color contrast tested?

For more info, check out the Forem Accessibility Docs.

Added/updated tests?

We encourage you to keep the code coverage percentage at 80% and above.

  • Yes
  • No, and this is why: please replace this line with details on why tests have not been included
  • I need help with writing tests

Additional Notes

This section will outline our tech stack, APIs used, and some common troubleshooting.

Tech Stack

  • Front end components are created in the src/components folder and use React jsx syntax.

    Currently, we make use of React Material UI library for our components

  • Front End pages are stored in src/pages folder.

  • Back end code is written in the server directory in the TypeScript language.

  • Swagger documentation for backend routes uses OpenAPI syntax. See example here:

  • Front and back-end communication is handled by Express.js

    To add more routes, create router function on the routes folder. From the server.ts file create a link to the route functions

APIs Used

In the front end:

In the back end:

Common Issues

When running code someone else has written, ensure you perform npm install commands to install any new dependencies they may have added.

If there are issues where old itinerary information is being displayed, or the app crashes with an index error, open local storage and clear all itinerary and chat data.

Ensure you are adding all API keys to the relevant .env files.

The current frontend loading is quite slow, improvements are necessary

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is the (CI/CD) platform used to automate our build, test, and deployment pipeline. More information can be found here

Software Versions

Please visit this page for a list of both front and backend dependencies and their versions allowing for a stable release of the application.

Versioning Strategy

Our project adheres to the principles of semantic versioning (SemVer) to manage version updates. SemVer employs three components: MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH, each signifying a specific category of change:

  • MAJOR version increments indicate significant, potentially incompatible changes or major feature additions that may necessitate code adjustments on the user's part.
  • MINOR version increases represent backward-compatible feature enhancements and additions.
  • PATCH version updates cover backward-compatible bug fixes or minor improvements.

Our version numbers follow the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (e.g., 1.0.0).

Please update the project's version by changing the relevant package.json files.

License Information

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Get Packing Traveller: Your Ultimate Anytime, Anywhere Travel Itinerary GeneratorGenerate travel itinerary for anytime, anywhere








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