Welcome to Focus Lamp web-app! A community-space where one can manage their goals using an engaging lamp theme, share their story, connect with community members. With seamless Google sign-in and real-time goal management.
- Google Authentication: Sign in and manage your goals securely with Google.
- Real-time Goal Management: Add, view, and remove goals with instant updates.
- Dynamic Lamps: Each goal is represented by a lamp that updates based on your goals.
- Profile Management: View and update your profile photo and name.
- Story Management: Add or View member stories with a wordcloud based on content of story.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
- Backend: Firebase (Authentication, Firestore)
Follow these steps to run the App locally:
Clone the Repository 📲
git clone https://github.com/Monika5S/HackBrew-24.git cd HackBrew-24
Install Dependencies ⚙️
- This project uses Firebase via CDN, so no additional dependencies are required.
Configure Firebase 🔥
- Go to the Firebase Console.
- Create a new project and enable Authentication and Firestore.
- Replace the Firebase configuration in source/firebase/firebaseConfig.js with your project's credentials.
Run the App 🌞
- Open index.html in your browser to view the application locally.
- Optionally, deploy the app to Netlify for hosting.
File Structure 📁
- index.html: The main page where you interact with goals and sign in.
- profile.html: Page for viewing user profile information.
- reflect.html: Page for viewing and adding stories to share with everyone.
- styles/style.css: CSS file for styling the application.
- source/firebase/firebaseConfig.js: Firebase configuration and initialization.
- source/firebase/auth.js: Handles user authentication logic.
- source/goals.js: Manages goal-related functions and UI updates.
- source/profile.js: Handles display of profile related info.
- source/reflect.js: Manages Stories updates and wordcloud generation.
Key Features Implementation 🔑
- auth.js: Handles sign-in, sign-out, and UI updates based on authentication state.
- firebaseConfig.js: Initializes Firebase and exports necessary functions.
Goals Management
- goals.js: Manages goal operations, including adding, displaying, and removing goals. Lamps update dynamically based on the goals.
Profile Page
- profile.js: Displays and updates user profile information such as photo and name.
Reflect Page
- reflect.js: Manages stories operation, including adding, displaying stories and word cloud generation based on content of each story.
Contributing 🤝
- Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to improve the app.