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Ark Skill Mechanics

Monolith11 edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 14 revisions


If you use the numerical value stated on the client as much as possible and assume the following specifications, you can get almost the same result as the actual game play.

  • Maximum Gauge 1000
  • Tick rate 1020ms
  • (Lef) Heal per tick 13 / 14.3 with hyper (The test showed that it wasn't rounded)
  • (Specter) Consume per tick 23

Creeping Terror / Endless Agony

These skills have the effect that the gauge doesn't decrease during keydown as explained on skill description.
In addition, it consumes 2 ticks worth of gauge at the end of the keydown and preventing gauge consumption on the next tick.
Therefore, it's actually an additional consumption of 1 tick worth.

Skill linking

Ark's skill linking is implemented with cancelableTime, not skipActionFrame like common skill linking.
The linking using cancelableTime is that skills become possible to cancel after the time of cancelableTime has passed after using the skill regardless of the attack speed. (Pre-input is impossible)
The original delay and cancelableTime are as follows.

Skill Name Base Delay Final Delay(AS2) Final Delay(AS0) cancelableTime
Plain Charge Drive 720 540 450 240
Endless Nightmare 720 540 450 560
Scarlet Charge Drive 690 540 450 500
Unstoppable Impulse 720 540 450 560
Gust Charge Drive 600 450 390 570
Abyss Charge Drive 810 630 510 720
Ominous Dream/Vivid Dream 720 540 450 240
Endless Dream 720 540 450 180
Grievous Wound 630 480 450 500
Tenacious Instinct 720 540 420 560
Insatiable Hunger 990 750 450 660
Creeping Terror(finish) 750 570 480 360
Unbridled Chaos 1080 810 690 720
Endless Agony(finish) 1590 1200 1020 1050

For some skills, Final Delay is shorter than cancelableTime, making it impossible to linking. (No real harm)
In addition, from the test results, it seems that Battle Frenzy.z(210) is added to base cancelableTime for Plane Charge Drive and Ominous Dream/Vivid Dream/Endless Dream. And reduced by 70 * Battle Frenzy stacks.
The formula for calculating the actual cancelableTime is as follows.
Plain Charge Drive: 240 + 210 - 70 * stack
Ominous Dream/Vivid Dream: 240 + 210 - 70 * stack
Endless Dream: 180 + 210 - 70 * stack

Isn't it a penalty to learn Battle Frenzy? You may think that, but be assured that such a thing will not occur in actual play. Apparently, the +210 part is hard coded.