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Blaster Skill Mechanics

Monolith11 edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 9 revisions

Charge Skill

Bobbing / Weaving / Hammer Smash

Blasters have chargeable skills with Base Charge Time of 480ms.
This number can be reduced by Charge Mastery and will be reduced by 40% with Advanced Charge Mastery Level 20.
480 * (1 - 0.4) = 288 -> rounded up to 300

You can cancel other skills with a fully charged skill, as described later.

Hyper Magnum Punch

Hyper Magnum Punch is a chargeable skill, but it works just like typical keydown skills.
Therefore, when you start keydown, other actions are disabled. Also, Charge Mastery's Guard Effect is added during keydown.
The charge phase increases every second, but this charge time is not reduced by Charge Mastery.

Skill linking

Blaster's skill linking is using skipActionFrame, which is often used in other skills, and forced cancellation by fully charged skills.
Strictly speaking, it is set as rwCancelInfo.x.cancelFrame, and some specifications are different.

  • The frame that can be linked can be changed
  • Can't be pre-inputted


If you learn Combo Training II, it will increase the skill linking speed by 1 stage every 5 stacks, so increased by 2 stages with 10 stacks.
This effect reduces the value of cancelFrame.


When linking from Magnum Punch to Double Fang, Magnum Punch's cancelFrame is 4.
Combo Training reduces it by 2, and the cancelFrame becomes 2.
The animation of Magnum Punch is as follows.

Frame Delay
0 90
1 120
2 150
3 120
4 120
5 60

Since cancelFrame is 2, sum of frame 0-1(90+120=210) is used for Base Delay.
Then attack speed is applied to this, so 180ms with AS2, 150ms with AS0.

Charge Cancel

You can cancel other skills with a fully charged skill. However, there are certain conditions and some skills cannot be canceled.
The condition is that you have used the skill you want to cancel for more than 150ms.

In addition, the use of charge skills will cause the following delays.

  • After releasing the charge skill key, same skill can't be start charging for 30ms
  • After jump canceling Bobbing/Weaving, other attack skills cannot be used for 110ms
  • From the moment you use Hammer Smash, other attack skills cannot be used for 300(not confirmed)-510ms (or more depends on ping)

These delays occur at the same time.

Skill Combo

Based on the above specifications, I will explain the skill combo. Based on AS2.

Magnum Punch - Double Fang Combo

Time Action Condition
0 Bobbing/Weaving Start Charging
80 Magnum Punch
260 Double Fang
300 Bobbing/Weaving Fully Charged
410 Bobbing/Weaving release
410 Jump Cancel Charge cannot be started for 30ms and attack skill cannot be used for 110ms
440 Back to first line Now you can charge

It counts 110ms from the point of 410, so after returning to the first line, after 80ms will allow you to use the next skill.

Shockwave Punch combo

Time Action Condition
0 Bobbing/Weaving Start Charging
80 Shockwave Punch
230 Bobbing/Weaving release
230 Jump Cancel Charge cannot be started for 30ms and attack skill cannot be used for 110ms
260 Back to first line Now you can charge

It counts 110ms from the point of 230, so after returning to the first line, after 80ms will allow you to use the next skill.
Shockwave Punch has the information for linking to Bobbing/Weaving, and should be able to link after 90ms, but it seems that it's not functioning correctly.
However, since it's possible to cancel Shockwave Punch even if Bobbing/Weaving is not fully charged, we can consider that the minimum delay of cancellation is 150 ms.