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Summon Damage Mechanics

Monolith11 edited this page Dec 19, 2020 · 17 revisions

Summon Damage

Certain skills deal Summon Damage

  • Soul Weapon
  • Kishin Shoukan
  • 1st~4th Ghost Yaksha
  • Spirit's Domain


  • Final MATT from Elemental Blessing is doubled in GMS/MSEA. Not in JMS.


  • Mastery
  • Permanent Damage%
  • Elemental Resistance
  • Star Force/Arc/Dojo Field Bonus/Penalty
  • Some Final Damage
  • Level Difference Penalty (in Reboot #112)

Not apply

  • Critical
  • Non-Permanent Damage%
  • Damage% from potential
  • Normal Monster Damage%
  • Boss Monster Damage%
  • Defense Rate
  • Ignore Elemental Resistance
  • Some Final Damage
  • Level Difference Bonus

Final Damage relationship


  • Spirit's Domain
  • Princess Sakuno's Blessing

Not apply

  • Haku
  • Yosuzume


Almost same with character damage. Just some elements are not applied.
Permanent Damage% is applied twice in GMS.
GMS: (Main Stat * 4 + Sub Stat) * ATT / 100 * Mastery * Skill Multiplier * (1 + Permanent Damage%) * (1 + Permanent Damage%) * Final Damage * Elemental Resistance * Field Multiplier * Level Difference Penalty
non-GMS: (Main Stat * 4 + Sub Stat) * ATT / 100 * Mastery * Skill Multiplier * (1 + Permanent Damage%) * Final Damage * Elemental Resistance * Field Multiplier * Level Difference Penalty

Kanna's Kasen

You can think that Kasen has hidden Summon Damage Multiplier with same value as Damage%.
GMS: ~ * (1 + Permanent Damage%) * (1 + Permanent Damage% + Kasen Damage%) * ~
non-GMS: ~ * (1 + Permanent Damage%) * (1 + Kasen Damage%) * ~

Kishin in GMS, Nightghost Guide also have hidden Summon Damage Multiplier with same value as Damage%p.
~ * (1 + Permanent Damage%) * (1 + Permanent Damage% + Kasen Damage% + Nightghost Guide Damage%p) * ~