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Evan Skill Mechanics

Monolith11 edited this page Sep 27, 2020 · 15 revisions

Spiral of Mana

Spiral of Mana is not affected by attack speed.
You can pre-input Spiral of Mana while using either Circle of Mana 1 or Circle of Mana 2 but takes 270ms to cancel.

With AS2:

time skill
0 Circle of Mana 1
270 Spiral of Mana


time skill
0 Circle of Mana 1
180 Circle of Mana 2
450 Spiral of Mana

Swift of Wind

If hit single target, all attacks receive final damage penalty.

Breath - Return

Description says it's Fusion Skill but doesn't create magic debris.

Zodiac Ray

Magic Debris can charge more than 1 power per cast if projectiles hit seperately.


Some Mir skills are controlled by common.variableReact.
common.variableReact.delay+30 is used for damage appear timing.
All ticks are hit first then apply delay, but certain timing does not deal damage.

This list is showing common.variableReact.x.delay+30. (x) means no damage on that tick.

Skill 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dragon Swift 570 570 570 600 570 600
Swift of Wind none
Swift of Thunder (x)510 390 390 390 390 390
Dragon Dive (x)150 510 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390
Dive of Thunder none
Dive of Earth 990 480 480 480
Dragon Breath 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390
Breath of Wind 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390
Breath of Earth none
Dragon Break 210 300 300 480 390 390
Imperial Breath none

Swift of Wind, Dive of Thunder, Breath of Earth and Imperial Breath is using normal formula like rounddown(time/attack interval + 1).
For Breath of Earth, it's required to wait for 360ms before first hit, so formula will be rounddown((time-360)/attack interval + 1).
For Imperial Breath, it's required to wait for 820ms before first hit, but it doesn't corrupt base duration, and seems no +1, so formula will be rounddown(time/attack interval).

This list is showing cancelable delay for each skill.

Skill Max Tick Base delay Last Tick Timing Cancelable Delay
Dragon Swift 6 3510 2910 600
Swift of Wind 8 3600 3570 30
Swift of Thunder 5 3360 2070 1290
Dragon Dive 9 3690 3390 300
Dive of Thunder 5 3420 2880 540
Dive of Earth 4 3000 1950 1050
Dragon Breath 8 2910 2730 180
Breath of Wind 8 3330 2730 600
Breath of Earth 7 3420 3060 360
Dragon Break 6 2580 1680 900
Imperial Breath 16 5810 4660 1150