Cat | Name | Description |
Sources | main | Main file |
Sources | is_helper | Test if the arg helper is used |
Sources | template | Template file |
Cat | Name | Description |
Array | my_create_array | Create an array |
Array | my_destroy_array | Destroy an array |
Array | my_putarray_array | Print an array |
Array | my_putnarray_array | Print n rows of an array |
Maths | my_addition.c | Add 'n' numbers |
Maths | my_binary_to_decimal | Transform a binary string to the number corresponding |
Maths | my_getnbr | Get the number corresponding to the string |
Maths | my_is_prime | Verify if a number is prime |
Maths | my_multiplication | Multiply 'n' numbers |
Maths | my_nbrcmp | Compare two numbers |
Maths | my_power | Calculate the power of the number |
Maths | my_square_root | Calculate the square root of the number |
Maths (Macro) | ABS | Get the absolute get number of a number |
Maths (Macro) | SQUARE | Get the square number of a number |
Maths (Macro) | IS_NEG | Verify if a number is negative |
Maths (Macro) | NBR_IS_SUP | Check if a value is greater than another one |
Maths (Macro) | NBR_IS_INF | Check if a value is less than another one |
Maths (Macro) | NBR_IS_EQ | Check if a value is equal than another one |
Put | my_perror | Write a system error message |
Put | my_putchar | Write a character to stdout |
Put | my_putnbr | Write a number to stdout |
Put | my_putstr | Write a message to stdout |
Strings | my_addchar | Add a char at the position you want in a string |
Strings | my_nbr_to_str | Revert a string |
Strings | my_revstr | Converts a number to it's corresponding string |
Strings | my_str_to_word_array | Convert a string to an array of strings |
Strings | my_strcat | Appends the src string to the dest string |
Strings | my_strcmp | Compares the two strings |
Strings | my_strcpy | Copies a string into the dest string |
Strings | my_strdup | Duplicate a string |
Strings | my_strlen | Calculate the length of a string |
Strings | my_strlowcase | Convert all the upcase charactere of a string into lowcase charactere |
Strings | my_strncat | Appends the src string to the dest string |
Strings | my_strncmp | Compare n bytes of two strings |
Strings | my_strncpy | Appends n bytes of the src string to the dest string |
Strings | my_strndup | Duplicate n bytes of a string |
Strings | my_strstr | Duplicate n bytes of a string |
Strings | my_strupcase | Finds the first occurrence of the substring to_find in the string str |
Strings (Macro) | IS_ALPHA | Verify if a character is an alpha |
Strings (Macro) | IS_NUM | Verify if a character is a numeric |
Strings (Macro) | IS_SPACES | Verify if a character is a space, indentation or a line break |
Strings (Macro) | IS_ALPHA_NUM | Verify if a character is an alphanumeric |
Strings (Macro) | IS_UPCASE | Verify if a character is upcase |
Strings (Macro) | IS_LOWCASE | Verify if a character is lowcase |
Cat | Name | Description |
simple | create_list | Create a list |
simple | create_node | Create a node |
simple | destroy_list | Destroy a list |
simple | draw_list | Draw a list |
simple | find | Find a node in a list |
simple | len_list | Caclculate the lenght of the list |
simple | pop_back | Remove the last element of the list |
simple | pop_front | Remove the first element of the list |
simple | push_back | Add an element at the end of the list |
simple | push_front | Add an element at the front of the list |
simple | rotate_from_end | Rotate the list from the end |
simple | rotate_from_beg | Rotate the list from the begining |
simple | swap_node | Swap two element |
Note: The project's makefile is not entirely in line with epitech's coding-style, but all the libraries are