There are mainly 3 functionalitys of this project. Their names with functionalities are given below :
An AI chatbot which can answer all your queries. You can ask it anything you want. But it must be relivant. After the respose is generated, the AI will also read it for you. Voice search option is also available. You can just talk to it like you talk to other persons. After you sign up, you will be able to make customizable bots as per your requirments.There are many options like age, name, bot-type, gender which are customizable in this section.
An AI code generator, which generate codes as per your instructions and selected languages. Currently supported languages are -
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- C
- C++
- C#
- Ruby
- Rust
- R Language
An AI that can generate images as per your given prompt. I can generate anything, even if such thing does not exists. If it does not exists then it will generate it arificially. Currently it generated 3 images for each given prompt and each image is of size 256 x 256 pixels
Authentication system is also added, which included signin, login, logout, email verification, reset password. user can access all the products(ChitChat, Artiflex and CodeGenie) only after signing up. After you register you will be able to customize the ChitCht bot. There are many options like age, name, bot-type, gender which are customizable in this section
Client Side: HTML, SCSS, TailwindCSS
Server Side: Django, Redis, OpenAi for the AI generated contents
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-=)pmi!os!bpw_g_qbl*!3-!_%hn30(nm6na*vi1#&@7#^_w1ye'
API_KEY = Your API Key
For the API_KEY
go to OpenAi's webiste : from there signup (or login if you have account). Then generate an API key and put it in the .env file
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'email address from which email will be send'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'its app password'
Note : You have to create app password for the email you are using in EMAIL_HOST_USER
Create a folder and open terminal and install this project by command
git clone
or simply download this project from
In project directory Create a virtual environment(say env) :
virtualenv env
Activate the virtual environment -
For windows :
Install dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
To migrate the database run migrations commands :
py magemigrations
py migrate
Create a super user :
py createsuperuser
To run the project in your localserver :
py runserver
Then go to in your browser to see the project