Custom nodes to have better joystick and dpad support on sliders.
- Smooth joystick: hold the joystick in one direction and the slider value adjust smoothly
- Discrete joystick: the joystick acts as a button, only updating the value by one each "press"
- Smooth & discrete: joystick is in discrete mode, until you hold the direction for more than a threshold time when it switches to smooth
- Dpad steps: dpad can modify the value configurable steps instead of the default 1 step
The addon assumes you have the joypad mapped to the default ui actions: ui_left, ui_right, ui_up, ui_down The dpad discrete function reacts directly to the InputEventJoypadButton
Step 1: Add a HSliderGamepad or VSliderGamepad
Add a node as you normally do and choose either HSliderGamepad or VSliderGamepad depending on your needs
Step 2: Setup the node
- Slider speed: the speed at which the value is changed (per frame)
- Dpad step: the step size when using the dpad
- Joystick discrete: sets the joystick in discrete mode
- Joystick smooth discrete threshold: time in seconds after which the joystick will switch to smooth when held in one direction (requires joystick to be set to discrete mode)
Software engineer & gamedev. 3D, 2D & VR.
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