Hello there! I'm Miguel G Sánchez Weckx - aka MrWeckx 👋
- 🔭 I just launched my obsidian note database to the public, not all my notes but a lot of good content right there: [MrWeckx's Brain][obsidianpub]!
- 🌱 I love learning new things and exploring new technologies
- 👔 I'm currently working as a Data Analyst on Financial Compliance at Banco Santander
- 👯 I’m looking to learn abount cloud technologies.
- ⚡ I'm a faithful devotee of the glory of Vim and Emacs, the power couple. I organize myself with Doom Emacs and Org-mode and Org-roam for personal research.
- 🤯 Freaked out about the amazing projects everyone is doing and for free, you guys are angels with glasses and keyboards.
- 🐘 Look, an elephant, my favourite animal