A simple Discord bot that plays songs from YouTube or SoundCloud through the voice channel.
Can search for songs on YouTube or SoundCloud.
Can stream songs directly or with the option to download them instead.
Commands can be abbreviated. For example: /p is the same as /play.
A song that has already been downloaded will be played right away instead of waiting to downloading it again.
Can update the command prefix (saved to config file).
Can add, remove, or reset command abbreviations (saved to config file).
Here is a list of what still needs to be implemented and improved:
- Fast forward and rewind command [less prio]
- Test that it works on multiple servers simultaneously
- Try hosting on AWS with a fast internet connection (will download music faster?)
- Support on Linux/Mac OS (confirm installation instructions are accurate and that the code runs fine on other platforms)
- Try running publicly, allowing anyone to invite the bot.
/play <search term or link>
- Plays the song from the given search term or link
- Searchs for songs on YT or SC and supports both YT and SC links
- Searchs on YT by default, type 'sc' before the search term to use SC
- Supports YT and SC playlists
- Can also be called with:
- /p
- Disconnects the bot from the voice channel
- Can also be called with:
- /dc
- Pauses the music
- Can also be called with:
- /ps
- Resumes the music
- Can also be called with:
- /rs
- Stops the music
- Can also be called with:
- /st
- Displays the song that is currently playing
- Can also be called with:
- /np
- Displays the songs currently in queue
- Can also be called with:
- /q
/skip <optional search term or link>
- Skips the current song and starts playing the next one in queue
- If a search term or link is provided, then that is the next song that is played
- Can also be called with:
- /sk
/move <queue position> <queue position>
- Moves the song at the given position (first argument) to the given position (second argument) in the queue
- Can also be called with:
- /mv
/remove <queue position>
- Removes the song at the given position in the queue
- Use 'all' to remove all the songs in the queue
- Can also be called with:
- /rm
- Removes all the songs in the queue
- Can also be called with:
- /cl
/command_prefix <character>
- Changes the command prefix to the given character
- Can also be called with:
- /cp
/command_abbrev <add|remove|reset> <command> <abbreviation>
- Adds (or removes) the given abbreviation for the given command (can be abbreviated)
- Can also reset the abbreviations for the given command (ignore the abbreviation argument)
- Can also reset the abbreviations for all commands (use 'all' for the command argument)
- Can also be called with:
- /ca <a|rm|rst>
/download_songs <true|false|?>
- Controls whether to download songs or to stream them (default).
- Can also be called with:
- /ds <t|f|' '>
- Displays a list of commands
- Can use with a specific command (can be abbreviated) for more info
/fast_forward <seconds>
- Fast forwards the current song the given amount of seconds
- /ff
/rewind <seconds>
- Rewinds the current song the given amount of seconds
- /rw
These instructions assume you're using Windows and that you've already created a bot account. (planning to update these instructions to work for all platforms)
If you haven't already, follow these instructions for creating a bot and inviting it to your server.
The only required bot permissions are:
- Read Messages/View Channels [General]
- Send Messages [Text]
- Embed Links [Text]
- Connect [Voice]
- Speak [Voice]
- Python 3.10.2
- FFmpeg
- discord.py[voice]
- yt_dlp
- soundcloud-dl
- youtube-search-python
- discord-pretty-help
Other common libraries:
- os
- re
- asyncio
- urllib
- json
You can install Python from the Microsoft Store and FFmpeg using this guide.
The python libaries are already installed in the python virtual environment, 'bot-env'. That way, you can follow these instructions without having to manually install them yourself.
Download this repo as a .zip and extract it to a location on your computer
Open up Command Prompt and navigate to where you extracted the folder
cd C:\Users\Kidus\Downloads\music-bot-main\
- Run the script using the python executable from the virtual environment and passing your bot token as the first argument
bot-env\Scripts\python.exe run.py <token>
And that's it. In Discord, join a voice channel and type the following command in a text channel to play a song:
/play https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
Coded 'mostly' from scratch by Kidus Yohannes
- 0.1 - 03/14/2022
- Initial Release
- Basic functionality implemented (play, pause, resume, stop, disconnect)
- 0.2 - 06/27/2022
- Added SoundCloud link support
- Added YT search capabilities
- Added queue support and related commands (now playing, skip, move, etc...)
- 0.3 - 07/06/2022
- Added functionality to check for downloaded songs
- Added remove command
- 0.4 - 07/11/2022
- Added help method with command descriptions
- Refactored code to use classes/cogs
- 0.5 - 07/15/2022
- Added command_prefix command
- Added command_abbrev command
- 0.6 - 07/26/2022
- Added support for searching on SoundCloud
- 0.7 - 08/16/2022
- Added support for streaming songs directly (instead of downloading them)
- 0.8 - 12/25/2022
- Added download_songs command for controlling whether to download or stream songs
- Fixed a lot bugs and added several warning/helper messages
- 0.9 - 1/8/2023
- Added playlist support for both YT and SC
- Added functionality to disconnect after being inactive for a period of time
- Added clear command
- Fixed more bugs
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Documentation for discord.py
- Documentation for yt-dlp
- Code for streaming audio
- And obviously Stack Overflow