Including My Docker Notes
This is a repository which summarizes What I learned from this course (Docker A-Z) on Udemy.
Computer = CPU + RAM + Motherboard + Hard disc
The mission of motherboard is to bind everything on itself.
BIOS is simply a data storage which runs immediately first after turning on the computer. BIOS is installed in hard disc.
The main thing we make in a computer is actually to run apps.
The first computer in the world was able to run only one app at the same time.
OS is a bridge between hardware and apps.
OS is composed of Kernel, UI(Terminal or Desktop) and Applications.
BIOS ckecks hardware; checks discs; loads an app called boot loader. Boot loader runs the kernel.
Server has a motherboard which has many CPU's and many RAM's. Then, a lot of hard discs are binded into this motherboard.
The timeline is below
Before 2000: 2 Hardwares, 2 different OS's , 2 different apps
2000 - 2007: 1 hardware, 1 virtualization software, 2 different OS's, 2 different apps
2007 - 2013 : Container technology appeared
2013: Docker is available.
We prefer to isolate apps from each other because interaction may result in some problems.
Linux distro(Centos, Redhat, Ubuntu) = Packaging( Linux Kernel + UI + Some programs)
Namespaces(process, network, mount) and c groups in Linux kernel enabled us to differantiate 2 apps on the same computers by differantiating processes.
Docker is written in GoLang.
Docker firm created Docker platform. Docker platform has many solutions. One of the main solutions is Docker Engine.
Docker engine is a software which has a server-client architecture and running on Unix or Windows
Docker engine has 3 components: Docker daemon(docker server), docker rest api, docker CLI. These are separate components from each other. Docker CLI is communicating with docker daemon via docker rest api.
Docker deamon is creating and managing docker networks, docker containers, docker images and data volumes.
Docker image = Softwares_to_run_our_app (JRE) + Libraries(Spring boot) + Other_things(postgresql)
There is no for kernel to create a docker image.
Docker container is a running form of docker image. We can create multiple containers from a single docker image.
The difference between container and virtual machine is that we have only one OS in container and we have many OS's in VM case. VM has a full OS and the physical machine is being virtualized. Docker has no OS and the app is being virtualized.
Windows container exist.
All project files are in (this link)[]
Enable YAML and docker extensions in VSCode.
We are only using Docker Engine Community Edition. If we installed docker community on linux machine, docker daemon and docker CLI got installed.
If we were installing Docker on Windows or Mac, it is creating a virtual machine using hyper v in the background to run docker.
We only need to install docker ce to run docker.
Docker version is in the version of YY.MM.PATCH.
For each OS, different procedure is used to install docker.
Image registry: able to store docker images in the cloud. The most popular one is docker hub.
Create an account in docker hub and verify it using this documentation
To run docker commands without sudo, we are adding muhammed user to docker group.
sudo usermod -aG docker muhammed
- To check whether docker is runnning or not
sudo docker run hello-world
- To see docker version
sudo docker version
Docker CLI can be thought as Terminal. Docker daemon is the main application to run docker. Docker CLI and docker daemon are different because we can manage a remote docker daemon via our docker CLI.
To obtain base info about docker in the system
docker info
- To see all cossible docker commands
- Till 2017, docker's CLI was basic. Then, it became more complex to do more jobs. The first command is before 2017, the latter command is after 2017. These 2 commands are the same. If --rm flag is used just after
docker container run
, it means remove the container when the container stops.
docker run hello-world
docker container run hello-world
The new docker commands after 2017 has this pattern:
Use --help command to get help.
To create a container
docker container create --name ikincicontainer ozgurozturknet/adanzyedocker
- To start a created container
docker container start container_name
- To create and start a container together from an image()
docker container run --name container_name image_name
# Creating a container named ilkcontainer from an image called ozgurozturknet/app1
docker container run --name ilkcontainer ozgurozturknet/app1
Default image registry of Docker is docker hub.
To see all containers in the system(running or non-running):
docker container ls -a
- To see running containers in the system only:
docker container ls
docker ps
Each container has a default app in itself. The container stops when its app in itself stops running.
Many applications can be in one image.
An image can have many apps but a container starts only one app but then many apps can run in the container.
To see logs of a container with its container id
docker container logs 12_digit_container_id
While creating a container, if we don't specify a name to it, docker assigns a random name to container.
To run a specific app in a docker container
docker container run --name denemecontainer ozgurozturknet/adanzyedocker java app1
- To stop a running container
docker container stop 12_digit_container_id
- To run a container in the background(thanks to -d), detach mode
docker container run -d -p 80:80 ozgurozturknet/adanzyedocker
- It is impossible to delete a running container. To delete an existing container from the system
docker container rm 12_digit_container_id
# To remove its affiliated volume by forcing
docker container rm -v -f 12_digit_container_id
# To delete all containers in the system
docker container prune
- Most of the images have shell. Owing to the fact that they have shell, we are able to connect to the container created from that image. To connect an container running, we are using
docker exec
command. sh means connecting to shell of container having alpine OS. If it was ubuntu, we should write bash. it in the below command means interactive and tty. After connecting to the container, we are able to do whatever we want like a random linux machine.
docker container exec -it container_name_we_use sh
If a container is running, its PID numbered as 1 should also be running.
Docker uses union file system(UFS). Docker images is on top of a base image. Docker image is composed of these layers: a linux OS without kernel(layer 1), app-related things(layer2, layer3, layer 4 etc), an executeble command layer to run which app in the beginning(layer last). Thanks to UFS, we are able to see all of the layers as a single component. UFS brings us advantages of speed and low disk usage.
- Docker image is read only (R/O). R/W is a layer that containers have. It is different for each container. Each change made in a container is on the R & W layer.
- An image has a pattern of REPOSITORY_NAME:TAG (nginx:latest, httpd:alpine, ozgurozturknet/app1:latest). TAG is latest by default. To pull an image from docker hub
docker image pull alpine
docker image pull ozgurozturknet/hello-app
Containers are created to run only an app. When a problem appears out, we shouldn't solve the problem by connecting the problem; we should stop former container and create a new one. If the problem is about image, the problem is resolved in the phase of creating image and new container is created from new image.
Docker volume is a docker object like docker image and docker container.
To create a docker volume and get basic info about that volume, use the followings. Mountpoint is important.
docker volume create VOLUME_NAME
docker volume inspect ilkvolume
- To create a docker linked to a volume
docker container run -it -v VOLUME_NAME:FOLDER_DIRECTORY_IN_CONTAINER alpine sh
#read only
docker container run -it -v VOLUME_NAME:/deneme:ro centos sh
Thanks to docker volumes, we are able to access our data withut depending on docker containers. One volume can be linked to many containers and we can make multiple operations simoultaneously.
We can mount volumes into existent and non-existent directories in a container.
If container directory is empty; content of volume was copied into container directory
If volume is empty & container directory has some files, content of container directory was copied into volume.
If volume isn't empty independent on content container directory, content of volume was copied into container directory.
The only thing to store data in the production environment is docker volume but we can use bind mounts to store data in development and test environments.
Bind mount: To mount a directory (for instance /etc/bin) to a docker container
49)For windows, open settings > resources > file sharing > select folder to give access to activate bind mounts feature.
We can make some operations on GUI on windows and mac.
To create a docker container from an image of NGINX. Then connect to the container via
docker exec
. Direct to the folder of /usr/share/nginx/html
docker container run -d -p 80:80 --name ilkweb nginx
- To bind mount from a directory into a docker container
docker container run -d -p 80:80 -v /home/muhammed/Desktop/deneme:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
- To copy a file from the container to our local computer
- To see plugins of docker
docker info
Docker Network Driver: Bridge, Host, Macvlan, None, Overlay to create network objects.
Default is Bridge. None uses no network(not able to ping a website). Host enables containers to run like a process in the computer(no network isolation and uses the network infrastracture)
To list docker network objects in the system:
docker network ls
- To list characteristics of a docker network object(returns json alike object.)
docker network inspect bridge
# Or image and container
docker image inspect bridge
docker container inspect bridge
After installing docker engine, docker creates 3 different docker network objects (bridge, host and None.)
To close connection and not to close a container, press P + Q
2 containers which are connected to a bridge network can communicate with each other. To test this, create 2 different containers and run ping DESTINATION_CONTAINER_IP .
While creating a container, use
--net host
or--net none
use create a none or host network object. -
Access from a container whose default docker network driver is Bridge follow this way:
Container --> Bridge Network --> Ethernet Card() -->
Thanks to port publish, we are enabling packets to access from the world to a container(80:80, 443:443 etc). 80 may be TCP or UDP. The default is TCP. The usage is like this
-p host_port:container_port
. We can make tihs operation (port publish) for many ports-p 8080:80 -p 8043:443
. For UDP port in container, use--publish 53:53/udp
Container which have the same Bridge network can share information between each other without port publish.
There is no DNS in default bridge network. If 2 containers are under an user-defined network, then DNS becomes active and we can run ping command to connect from one to another.
To create a user defined bridge network.
docker network create kopru1
docker network create kopru2 --driver host
docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= --ip-range= --gateway= kopru3
- To create a container which has a user-defined network
docker container run -dit --name websunucu kopru1 ozgurozturknet/adanzyedocker sh
- To connect a detached container
docker attach CONTAINER_NAME
- To connect a running container to a user-defined network
# Connect
docker network connect kopru3 CONTAINER_NAME
# Disconnect
docker network disconnect kopru3 CONTAINER_NAME
- To delete a user-defined network
docker network rm kopru2
App related logs or system logs are under /var/log/ directory in Linux. For Windows, look event viewer. nginx logs are under /var/log/nginx/ .
STDIN STDOUT STDERR in a linux machine like this: These are 3 base I/O systems.
- To see the logs of a container:
docker logs CONTAINER_NAME
#For a detailed version
docker logs --details CONTAINER_NAME
# For a time-based version
docker logs -t CONTAINER_NAME
docker logs --until 2020-04-21T21:36:02:6626Z CONTAINER_NAME
docker logs --since 2020-04-21T21:36:02:6626Z CONTAINER_NAME
# Subsetted rows
docker logs --tail 10 CONTAINER_NAME
# -f means follow
docker logs -f CONTAINER_NAME
- To see docker log drivers, run the following and look Log line. Default logging driver is json-file.
docker info
#To create a container from nginx, whose log driver is splunk
docker container run --log-driver splunk IMAGE_NAME
- To see running processes of a specific container
- To see disk, ram and cpu usages of all docker containers in a computer
docker stats
docker stats CONTAINER_NAME
- To limit memory, CPU of a docker container
# Limiting memory of container
docker container run -d --memory=100m IMAGE_NAME
# Limiting memory and swap
docker container run -d --memory=100m --memory-swap=200m IMAGE_NAME
# Limiting cpu( assigning # of threads )
docker container run -d --cpus="1.5" IMAGE_NAME
# Assigning number 0 and number 3 threads to the container
docker container run -d --cpuset-cpus="0,3" IMAGE_NAME
Environment variable (EV) is a valid variable which may be called from each part of OS. EV's are case sensitive. To list all EV's in Windows in PowerShell, run
Get-ChildItem Env:
. To get only one EV, run$Env:windir
; replace windir with the name of EV. windir is an EV. To create an EV,$Env:test="deneme123"
To list EV's in Linux, run
command. To see the value of an EV we want to see, runecho $NAME_OF_EV
likeecho $PATH
. To create an EVexport EV_NAME="EV_VALUE"
EV's are created during creating image or container.
To create EV in a container created from an image.
docker container run -it --env EV1=deneme1 --env EV2=deneme2 IMAGE_NAME
- To transfer the value of an EV in the OS to the container. TEMP is an EV in the OS.
docker container run -it --env TEMP ubuntu bash
- To transfer multiple EV's from the OS to the container
docker container run -it --env-file PATH_OF_ENV_LIST/env.list ubuntu bash
- While connecting to DB in test or prod environmentst, we can benefit from Environment variables of Docker.
Docker image = Linux OS - Kernel + Our app with libraries
Docker image is a packaged form of an app.
Image registry is a storage of storing docker images. For example, docker hub & microsoft container registry.
Default image registry of docker is docker hub.
Docker Image Naming: REGISTRY_URL/REPOSITORY:TAG . For instance, an offical repository:,
Thanks to image tagging, we can have a single repositroy and 2 different tags instead of 2 different repositories. If we don't assign a particular tag name to an image, latest is assigned by default. Latest doesn't mean latest but it acutally means default version.
To pull an image from docker hub
docker image pull IMAGE_NAME
docker image pull ozgurozturknet/adanzyedocker
docker image pull ozgurozturknet/adanzyedocker:latest
docker image pull ozgurozturknet/adanzyedocker:v1
# Pulling from a different image registry service
docker image pull
Official images have only one segment in naming. Unoffical images have 2 segments in naming.
Offical images are in docker hub. In an image, supported tags and respective dockerfile links are showing us the tags of docker images.
Each image has a different id. For different aliases of a same image, they have the same image id. For example, postgresql 13.1, 13, latest are the same.
Docker images are created with a docker instruction. This docker instruction is Dockerfile.
Official docker hub images have a lot of documentation. This facilitates using.
Docker organization may be thought as user group in Linux.
To create a docker image, we should first create a DockerFie.
The pattern is like this:
FROM image:tag
is an obligatory command which should be located in all Dockerfile's. Example:FROM centos:7
RUN linux_command
is running linux commands in the shell. -
WORKDIR location_to_place
is changing directroy. If the location_to_place directory is absent, it is created by default. -
COPY source destination_directory
EXPOSE port_number
defines which ports are going to be used in the containers based on that image. ExampleEXPOSE 80/tcp
. -
CMD linux_command
is defining which command to run by default when a container was created. -
HEALTHCHECK is used to check the status of a container.
curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1
is the command to chech whether it runs properly or not.
HEALTHCHECK --internal=5m --timeout=3s CM curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1
HEALTHCHECK --internal=30s --timeout=10s --start-period=5s --retries=3 CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1
is used to commentize in Dockerfile's. -
To create an image with tag and docker file:
# -f means file, -t means tag,
# . means to look for this folder while building up the image
docker image build -t ozgurozturknet/merhaba -f Dockerfile .
- To see the past and layers of an image
docker image history REPOSITORY_NAME
docker image history ozgurozturknet/merhaba
- To push an image to docker hub
docker image push ozgurozturknet/merhaba
Thanks to docker's layered structure, we are using less data and obtaining bandwidth.
It would be better to use an image having python or java rather than building an image with an OS and a programming language. It is safer and quickier.
Some image creation commands are below. Projects and docker files in under workspaces/ directory.
docker image build -t ozgurozturknet/merhaba -f Dockerfile .
docker container run ozgurozturknet/merhaba
docker image build -t ozgurozturknet/py .
docker container run --rm -p 80:5000 ozgurozturknet/py
docker image build -t ozgurozturknet/node .
docker container run -d -p 80:8080 ozgurozturknet/node
docker image build -t ozgurozturknet/hello-docker .
docker container run -d --name hellodocker -p 80:80 ozgurozturknet/hello-docker
docker image build -t javaimaj .
docker container run javaimaj
docker container run javaimaj ls
The order in Dockerfile is important. The commands which are most likely to be changed should be placed in bottom lines of Dockerfile in order to use cache characteristic of Docker more.
We are using LABEL command that we want to store in image metadata in Dockerfile.
#In a Dockerfile
LABEL maintainer="Muhammed Buyukkinaci"
LABEL version="1.0"
LABEL name="hello docker"
- To create an Environment variable in a Dockerfile
ENV KULLANICI="MuhammedBuyukkinaci"
- Write in one line in a Dockerfile if possible. For example,
#In a Dockerfile
LABEL maintainer="Muhammed Buyukkinaci" version="1.0" name="hello-docker"
&& is used in Dockerfile to run commands respectively in a single line to have fewer layers. \ is used to read better in Dockerfile.
While creating a container from an image, we can define a new EV or reassign a value to a pre-defined EV.
To get info about image
docker image inspect IMAGE_NAME
- The environments of a base image(line of FROM) passes from the base image to the child image. The only exception is to specifically define an ENV.
- The difference between COPY and ADD is here. COPY just copies the file. ADD unzips a zipped file while copying. ADD is also capable of getting data from a remote server without unzipping.
39.5) CMD is used to specify what the container should run when it starts.
- If we don't specify an app while creating the container, the line in CMD will run. ENTRYPOINT is the same as CMD. The only difference is that ENTRYPOINT can't be changed with
docker run
command. In every Dockerfile, there must be either a CMD or ENTRYPOINT. If both CMD and ENTRYPONT exist in a Dockerfile, Docker adds content of CMD to ENTRYPOINT as a parameter. The purpose of using CMD and ENTRYPOINT together is to facilitate versioning problems.
40.5) The ENTRYPOINT specifies a command that will always be executed when the container starts. The CMD specifies arguments that will be fed to the ENTRYPOINT.
- Exec form is the former. Shell form is the latter. Exec form means run the content as it is but Shell form means open up a shell and run the content. If we are using CMD and ENTRYPOINT together, we couldn't use Shell form. Thus, we have to use Exec form.
#Exec form
CMD ["java","app1"]
#Shell form
CMD java app1
41.5) For ENTRYPOINT, it is advised to use EXEC form.
- MultiStage is a property of Docker, enabling us to transfer files from the previous image to the next image. The purpose of first image is to just create files which can be used in the next image. The content of first images aren't covered in the next image. A multi stage Dockerfile is below:
# Dockerfile
# 1st stage
FROM AS derleyici
COPY /source /usr/src/uygulama
WORKDIR /usr/src/uygulama
RUN javac
# 2nd stage
WORKDIR /uygulama
COPY --from=derleyici /usr/src/uygulama .
CMD ["java","uygulama"]
# To build an image
docker image build -t javason .
--from isn't special to multi stage build. Its use may be like this
COPY --from=nginx:latest /usr/src/uygulama .
. This means docker hub's nginx latest's image's /usr/src/uygulama is copied to the image that we are creating by our Dockerfile. -
BUILD is a property of Dockerfile. The following 2 Dockerfiles are the same. To use ARG in Dockerfile,
docker image build -t x1 --build-arg VERSION=3.8.1 .
. ARG is useful if we want to use 2 versions of a same program and their URL have the same pattern. ARG can be thought as variable. ARG isn't EV thus ARG can't be accessed from the container. ARG is widely used in CI/CD to automatize our job and not widely used in our daily jobs.
FROM ubuntu:latest
WORKDIR /gecici
CMD ls -al
FROM ubuntu:latest
WORKDIR /gecici
ADD$(VERSION)/Python-$(VERSION).tgz .
CMD ls -al
FROM ubuntu:latest
WORKDIR /gecici
#Default is valid if not specified.
ADD$(VERSION)/Python-$(VERSION).tgz .
CMD ls -al
- There are other ways to create an image. Like, create a container, make changes to it and create an image from the container using
docker commit
. This is a way to create in image. Most of the time, we are using Dockerfile way.
#We can use expose and CMD features of Dockerfile.
# -c means run CMD line of Dockerfile
docker commit -c 'CMD ["java","app1"]' con1 ozgurozturknet/con1:latest
- Some production environments are close to the internet. We can save an image in our system as a tar file. Then, we copy this tar file to prod environment. Then load it.
docker save IMAGE_NAME -o name_of_tarfile.tar
docker save ozgurozturknet/con1:latest -o con1image.tar
# Then copy tar file to prod environment
docker load -i ./name_of_tarfile.tar
Dockerhub isn't the only docker image storage. Azure, GCP, AWS are also available. To create a local image registry on LAN, docker hub --> search registry --> pull official registry image to your computer --> create a container from pulled image --> expose 5000 port of new container --> access this container from your working directory.
docker container run --restart OPTION_TO_USE
means what to do when container stops. OPTION_TO_USE may be [always, no, on-failure, unless-stopped]. -
The tag name determines where to locate in Dockerhub. To add a tag to an image in our local system
# retagging
docker image tag ozgurozturknet/hello-app:latest
# push retagged image to local registry
docker image push
To list images in LAN, open up a browser and enter the url
While dockerizing a python application, copy requirements.txt file firstly. Install requirements via pip secondly. Copy other components of code into image thirdly. In this way, we don't have to wait too much if we made a change in our codebase.
In M1 Macbooks, the CPU architecture is arm64 rather than linux/amd64. Therefore,
docker build
command fails. Use something similar to below command to create a docker image in a new Mac M1 pro. -
While installing python libraries via pip, use
pip install --no-cache-dir
to reduce Docker image size.
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t TAG_NAME .
Docker compose can be regarded as skeleton of Docker.
In real life cases, one application has many services and many containers needed to run a single application. For docker compose, service=container
2.5) If there exists 2 services on a docker-compose file and we make it up
, one container for each service is created. However, thanks to docker-compose, we can 5 containers for one of services and 2 containers for the other service(From here)
Docker compose is a tool to define and run multiple Docker objects. To use Docker Compose, a YAML file is used and all services were created using one command. Docker compose creates services(containers), networks and volumes.
Docker compose is used in development phase and not used in moving to the production.
Docker compose isn't coming with docker engine but it comes with docker desktop in Windows an Mac OS but it is required to install it in Linux
To use docker compose, Docker-compose.yaml or Docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.yaml or docker-compose.yml files should be created.
Use these commands to run and stop respectively
# Up
docker-compose up
# Detached up
docker-compose up -d
# Down, opposite of down
docker-compose down
- Docker compose componenets: CLI & yaml file.
8.5) docker-compose build
is just creating the image. docker-compose up
is creating the image if not created and starting a new container.
Naming procedure of Docker CLI is FOLDERNAME_SERVICENAME
Ctrl + C stops the services and networks but
docker-compose down
is stopping and removing. -
Some of Other docker compose commands are here
# The order of execution
docker-compose config
# Lists names of images
docker-compose images
# Prints all logs together
docker-compose logs
# Runs command in the service created by docker-compose
docker-compose exec SERVICENAME COMMAND_TO_RUN
docker-compose exec websrv ls -al
Docker-compose down
doesn't remove volumes & images. It removes networks & Services.
YAMLS uses key-value pairs. Each YAML should start with version line. This version line means docker-compose version, not the version of YAML file. Look at workspaces/09_create_our_yaml folder
4 Top level data blocks in YAML file: version, services, volumes, networks, secrets
depends_on: is used in creating a YAML file. DB should start firstly and app should start later.
15.5) An example of environment variables on docker-compose.yaml via environment or env_file is below.
container_name: my_django
- ./.env
- First network --> Second volume --> Third Services executed in YAML
16.5) The below section of docker-compose means that docker container isn't able to edit the volume which was mapped. It can only read it, which is read-only.
- ./nginx/conf/:/etc/nginx/conf.d/:ro
Most people don't use docker compose build but it was used in Test environments. Docker Compose Build means to create Docker image in YAML file using Dockerfile. Look at workspaces/10_docker_compose_build
Replace line starting with image to
build .
If we change anything on our image after docker-compose up, we should run these 2 commands
# update image
docker-compose build
# Re-run compose
docker-compose up -d
19.5) ports and expose are 2 similar commands in docker-compose but different. ports are maping a port from host machine to a port on container but expose is publishing a port on container to other services in the yaml file. For example, we should make expose
operation for the service of Django app and we should make ports
operation for the service of Nginx. For more details, check here.
19.6) docker-compose up
has useful parameters such as no-deps
, which only run a service in a docker-compose.yaml file. In addition,--scale
increases the number of containers to the set number, which is 1 by default.
This concept is used to monitor hundreds of containers in prod environment.
Container orchestration tools: Docker Swarm, Apache MESOS, Redhat Openshift, Kubernetes. Kubernetes is industry-standard for containers. Kubernetes is open source and triggered by Google. Kubernetes is relatively complex. Docker swarm is mostly used after Kubernetes. Docker Swarm is embedded into Docker Engine and it is easier to use than Kubernetes. Kubernetes is more useful for complex systems.
Docker was firstly a runtime environment. Then,
To use Docker Swarm, servers should be connected to each other in a fast way. This communication should be in miliseconds. Then, some ports should be open.
TCP 2377 --> Cluster management
TCP 7946 and UDP 7946 --> Communication between nodes
UDP --> Overlay Network
- Let's imagine 4 servers exist in a network. Docker engine is installed in these 4 servers. This is called cluster. They are connected to each other.
docker swarm init
command is run in one server and that server became the manager. The other 3 servers were connected to this manager and these 3 servers became workers. After we configure servers, they are ready to serve. Manager manages and tracks this cluster. ETCD is installed in manager node and it can be thought as certificate authority. ETCD is an open source key value storage. The communication is carried in with TLS protocol. We don't have to deal with all of these. Docker swarm is carrying out these things. Managers are workers by default, which means containers are able to run on managers but it isn't advised for production environments.
- Go to play with docker. Create 5 instances.
# To make an engine swarm manager with its IP
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
# To add a 2nd 3rd manager to a cluster, run the following on 1st manager and then run its output on 2nd and 3rd manager
docker swarm join-token manager
# To add a worker to a cluster, run the following on 1st manager and then run its output on worker server
docker swarm join-token worker
- To list nodes in the cluster, run the following on a Leader manager.
docker node ls
- To create 5 containers from nginx image
docker service create --name NAME_OF_SERVICE --replicas=5 -p 8080:80 nginx
- To track a service via its name
docker service ps NAME_OF_SERVICE
- Services under a docker-compose file run on the same network. It is more plausible to run backend and database services in the same network thanks to docker compose.
Docker Service is used in Docker Swarm Cluster. Docker Service can be thought as docker container of Docker Swarm.
Imperative state is old-technology in IT operations. We run the commands and wait them to happen. If it gives any error, we correct it and re-run. Declarative state is just to define commands and the system monitors them. Docker Swarm & Kubernetes are using declerative state.
Docker service has 2 modes: Replicated & Global. Replicated means how many replicates to create. Default mode is replicated. Global means 1 replicate on a node in a cluster. In global mode, if there exists 3 nodes, 3 containers were created.
After creating cluster with manager and workers, all of our commands(docker service related commands) should be run in manager node.
To create a service Docker Swarm(Its parameters are almost the same as docker container run)
docker service create --name NAME_OF_SERVICE IMAGE_NAME
Task in Docker Swarm can be thought as a inter-layer. However, to keep it simple, we consider it as container.
One service may have 20 containers. It is possible.
To check status of services
docker service ps NAME_OF_SERVICE
- To see details of a running service
docker service inspect NAME_OF_SERVICE
When we run
docker service create
command, it became a desired state. -
To see logs of a service
docker service logs NAME_OF_SERVICE
- To scale a service(It may be up or down)
docker service scale NAME_OF_SERVICE=3
- To delete a service
docker service rm NAME_OF_SERVICE
- To create a gloval service
docker service create --name NAME_OF_GLOBAL_SERVICE --mode=global nginx
- Overlay is a driver like bridge or Mac based Vlan
- A simulation for Overlay Network and Docker Swarm
Docker swarm has a default overlay network called ingress unless we say something different.
We are also capable of defining user defined bridge networks.
If 2 services were created under same overlay network in Docker Swarm, ther are able to communicate between each other via their names. They resolve each other via their names.
Go to play with docker. Create 5 instances. 3 instances are managers. 2 instances are workers. RUn
docker network ls
. It prints 5 networks. 3 of them are known by default. 2 of them (docker_gwbridge, ingress ) come with Docker Swarm. docker_gwbridge is local bridge network. It enables user defined overlay networks (ingress here) to communicate with network hardware of the computer. docker_gwbridge can be considered as bridge network of the cluster. -
When we create a service, that service will connect to an overlay network named ingress by default. Bridge network is valid for containers of one computer. Overlay network is valid for all cluster.
To create an overlay network on Docker Swarm
#1) create an overlay network
docker network create -d overlay NETWORK_NAME
#2) Create 1st service
docker service create --name websrv --network NETWORK_NAME -p 8080:80 --replicas=3 ozgurozturknet/web
#3) Create 2nd service
docker service create --name db --network NETWORK_NAME ozgurozturknet/fakedb
Swarm Routing Match: When we create a service and publish a port, this port is published over all nodes of a cluster. Even if the node doesn't have that container, it sends the request taken to any node.
Services provides DNS service and Load Balancing service.
Docker Swarm enables us to update services. Tihs operation is callled service update. Docker Swarm carries out this using
docker service update
command. If there exists any error in newer version, we are making rollback. To update the version of a container
# First version creation
docker service create --name SERVICE_NAME --network NETWORK_NAME -p 8080:80 --replicas=3 ozgurozturknet/web:v1
# Second version
docker service update --detach --update-delay 5s --update-parallelism 2 --image ozgurozturknek/web:v2 SERVICE_NAME
- To roll back a newer version of a software
docker service rollback --detach SERVICE_NAME
Docker Secret is a Docker object that creates encrypted usernames and passwords instead of plain text. In order to use docker secret, we have to enable docker swarm.
2 ways to create Docker secret: 1) From a file 2) Using CLI
# 1) From a file
echo "MY_USERNAME" > username.txt
echo "MY_PASSWORD" > password.txt
docker secret create SECRETOBJECT_FOR_USERNAME username.txt
docker secret create SECRETOBJECT_FOR_PASSWORD password.txt
# 2) Using CLI
echo "MY_USERNAME" | docker secret create SECRETOBJECT_FOR_USERNAME -
echo "MY_PASSWORD" | docker secret create SECRETOBJECT_FOR_PASSWORD -
- To list secret objects
docker secret ls
- To create a service object using a secret
After we create a secret and assign it to a service, secrets folder exist under /run directory.
Docker secrets aren't changed. If we want to update a docker secret, we should create a new docker secret object and then run the following:
docker service update --secret-rm NAME_OF_OLD_SECRET --secret-add NAME_OF_NEW_SECRET SERVICE_NAME
- To hide the value of an EV using secret
Docker Stack can be thought of Docker Compose of Docker Swarm. One stack may have many services.
We can use our Docker-compose.yaml files in Docker Stack if their version >= 3.0
Images should have been craeted and uploaded into an image registry system. Therefore, there is no build lin in docker-compose.yaml file.
There may be a deploy line in docker-compose file for docker stack.
A ready-to-run yaml file is under workspaces/11_docker_stack
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml STACK_NAME_TO_CREATE
- To list stacks
docker stack ls
- To list services of a stack
docker stack services STACK_NAME_TO_CREATE
- To remove a stack
docke stack rm STACK_NAME_TO_CREATE
- Docker entrypoint can be overridden like below. The ENTRYPOINT command in Dockerfile is going to be ignored and a shell session will be prompted thanks to
docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh my-image
Docker CE doesn't support Windows containers. Docker EE only supports Windows containers.
It isn't available for Linux and Mac OS X.
- To dump a docker postgresql container to .sql file
docker exec -t MY_FIRST_DB pg_dumpall -c -U USERNAME > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql
- To dump a database in docker container
docker exec -i CONTAINER_NAME /usr/bin/pg_dump -U USERNAME DB_NAME > FILENAME.sql
- To create a docker volume
docker volume create VOLUME_NAME
- To create a postgresql container
- To inspect volumes of a container created
docker inspect -f '{{ json .Mounts }}' CONTAINER_NAME | python3 -m json.tool
- To copy a file from host to container
docker cp mydump.sql my_postgres:/WHERE/TO/LOCATE
- To restore a database from a dumped file
docker exec -t my_postgres bash -c "psql -U USERNAME -d DBNAME -f /WHERE/TO/LOCATE/FILENAME.sql"
When we define a volume section in our
file and map our local file system to container's folder, our development time may decrease. When we made a change in our code base, the change will be also effective in container's file system and the code in container will also change. After changes in container's codebase,command
flag ofdocker-compose.yaml
file should reload the running application. Our modifications will be active in the container too. -
The difference between busybox and Alpine Linux. The comment taken from here[].
Busybox is a minimal set of tools typically present in a unix-like operating system. It does not contain a kernel and is not an operating system.
Alpine Linux is a minimal Linux distribution that contains everything necessary to boot a kernel and initiate a session.
wenight/funbox is a docker image that prompts funny things on Terminal.
Hadolint is a linter for Dockerfiles. AN example command is below:
docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < Dockerfile
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures is a concept meaning a mistake or failure exists inside a program. For instance, Python's Flask library has 5 dependencies. grype is a programme that detects vulnarabilities on an docker image. To install it, run
curl -sSfL \ | sh -s
. Some usage examples are
grype python3:8
grype python:3.8 | grep High
grype --fail-on=high centos:8