The Network Manipulation Suite is extensively designed to ease network handling tasks. It includes features such as :
- MAC Spoofing
- Network Clients Scanning
- ARP Spoofing
- ARP Spoof Detector
- Packet Sniffer
This application exclusively depends on Python 3.* and Linux.
clone this repository with git clone
, install the scapy
module and execute the
user@host:~$ git clone
user@host:~$ cd Network-Manipulation-Suite
user@host:~/Network-Manipulation-Suite$ pip install scapy
user@host:~/Network-Manipulation-Suite$ sudo python3 Network-Manipulation-Suite/
The sudo
command is required as the script performs core system functionalities.
Notice that the existence of scapy
may require the virtual environment to have the "scapy" module installed for execution in the venv interpreter (if you use one),
instead of just using the system interpreter.
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1] MAC Spoofer
2] Network Scanner
3] ARP Spoofer
4] ARP Spoof Detector
5] Packet Sniffer
0] Exit
- Change device's MAC address to desired new MAC address.
- Scan for active clients in the network.
- Perform MiTM(Man in The Middle).
- Detects and Alerts on being attacked
- The program works even if executed in the middle of an ongoing ARP-Spoof attack.
- Sniff network packets, and filter to retrieve remote Host's 'requested URL and Potential Credentials'
- Notice 'ARP Spoofer' is separately started in a different terminal prior to packet sniffing.
NOTE: This function is deliberately limited to HTTP websites only to prevent malicious use.
The use of code contained in this repository, either in part or in its totality, for engaging targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws.
This script is purely intended for educational purposes [PoC]. Do not use it to compromise any unauthorized device, demonstrate on your own device only.