Simple encryption program, that uses four gears to switch letters.
- encode a message and save it into a file
- decode a message and show the results
- decode a message and save it into a file
- it does not however encode files.
- E - creates a new encoded file:
- the first prompt asks for the new file's name
- in case it's already taken, the program asks if continue anyway
- the old file will be overwritten if proceed (by typing t)
- then it asks to set four coding gears
- each has a different size indicated by the number in brackets
- user is supposed to give a number from 0 to n
- however, it works even with greater numbers, by taking a mod from them
- after that, the program asks if the setting is correct
- in case of any mistakes, (t for yes, n for no)
- the next prompt is a field to write a message to encode
- it's 500 signs max, but after each Enter the limit resets
- it's an infinite loop, to break it "ZAK" needs to be typed
- it only works however at the beginning of the input
- finally, the program puts encoded message in a file and ends
- W - reads an already existing encrypted file:
- the first prompt asks for the encrypted file's name
- if the file doesn't exist, the program will quit
- then it asks to set four coding gears
- each has a different size indicated by the number in brackets
- user is supposed to give a number from 0 to n
- however, it works even with greater numbers, by taking a mod from them
- after that, the program asks if the setting is correct
- in case of any mistakes, (t for yes, n for no)
- then the program asks if save the results or just show them on a screen
- the results can be saved later regardless
- it cannot be however showed after choosing to save
- s is for save, and d for a just show (and maybe save later)
- if a showing is chosen, the decoded message should be seen on a screen
- then the program asks again if save the showed results
- t for yes, n for no, and if yes the new file's name needs to be provided
- and if the name is already taken, the program will warn about it
- WARNING: do not use the same name as the encrypted file or it'll make it blank!
- Q - terminates the program, instantly.
In the folder exe, beside an executable file, there are examples of encoded messages.
- to decode them gears need to be set according to corresponding files' names.