Microstructure optimization of constrained design objectives using data-driven sampling approaches
- MATLAB (R2017a) or above
- Python 2.7.1 or above
If you use this code or data, please cite:
Arindam Paul, Pinar Acar, Ruoqian Liu, Wei-keng Liao, Alok Choudhary, Veera Sundararaghavan, Ankit Agrawal. Data Sampling Schemes for Microstructure Design with Vibrational Tuning Constraints. Journal of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018
The code was developed by the CUCIS group at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in Northwestern University.
- Arindam Paul (arindam.paul@eecs.northwestern.edu)
- Ankit Agrawal (ankitag@eecs.northwestern.edu)
- Wei-keng Liao (wkliao@eecs.northwestern.edu)
- Alok Choudhary (choudhar@eecs.northwestern.edu)
The development team would like thank the collaborators Prof. Pinar Acar at Virginia Tech and Prof. Veera Sundararaghavan.
email: arindam.paul@eecs.northwestern.edu or ankitag@eecs.northwestern.edu
Copyright (C) 2019, Northwestern University.
See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
This work is supported primarily by the AFOSR MURI award FA9550-12-1-0458. Partial support is also acknowledged from the following grants: NIST award 70NANB14H012; NSF award CCF-1409601; DOE awards DE-SC0007456, DE-SC0014330; and Northwestern Data Science Initiative.