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Releases: NVIDIA/ai-assisted-annotation-client

AIAA Client C++ Libraries version 1.0.2

17 Mar 00:15
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AIAA Client C++ Libraries version 1.0.2

In this version, new deepgrow and session APIs are supported for NVIDIA AI-Assisted Annotation Client Libraries for C++.

Follow the Quick Start guide to build/install AI-Assisted Annotation Client Libraries for C++ and run some basic tools to verify few important functionalities like dextr3D, segmentation, deepgrow, inference, fixPolygon over an existing AI-Assisted Annotation Server.

Features Supported in 1.0.2

  1. Deepgrow (/v1/deepgrow)
  2. AIAA Session (/session/)
  3. Generic Inference (/inference/)
  4. FixPolygon 3D support (/v1/fixPolygon)
  5. NVIDIA MITK plugin changes
    1. Deepgrow Action
    2. Use session APIs to store image at AIAA server for deepgrow action

Features Supported in 1.0.1

  1. Auto Segmentation (/v1/segmentation)
  2. Models API will support additional filters to match label and segmentation/annotation types (models)
  3. NVIDIA MITK plugin changes
    1. Auto Segmentation Action
    2. User can choose a model to run annotation/segmentation

Features Supported in 1.0.0

  1. List Supported Models (/v1/models)
  2. Annotation (/v1/dextr3D)
  3. Mask 2D Polygons (/v1/maskToPolygon)
  4. Fix 2D Polygon (/v1/fixPolygon)

AIAA Client C++ Libraries version 1.0.1

23 Jun 21:24
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AIAA Client C++ Libraries version 1.0.1

In this version, new segmentation API is supported for NVIDIA AI-Assisted Annotation Client Libraries for C++.

Follow the Quick Start guide to build/install AI-Assisted Annotation Client Libraries for C++ and run some basic tools to verify few important functionalities like dextr3D, segmentation, fixPolygon over an existing AI-Assisted Annotation Server.

Features Supported in 1.0.1

  1. Auto Segmentation (segmentation)
  2. Models API will support additional filters to match label and segmentation/annotation types (models)
  3. NVIDIA MITK plugin changes
    1. Auto Segmentation Action
    2. User can choose a model to run annotation/segmentation

Features Supported in 1.0.0

  1. List Supported Models (models)
  2. Annotation (dextr3D)
  3. Mask 2D Polygons (maskToPolygon)
  4. Fix 2D Polygon (fixPolygon)

AIAA Client C++ Libraries version 1.0.0

27 Feb 18:11
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This is the first version release for NVIDIA AI-Assisted Annotation Client Libraries for C++.

Follow the Quick Start guide to build/install AI-Assisted Annotation Client Libraries for C++ and run some basic tools to verify few important functionalities like dextr3D, fixPolygon over an existing AI-Assisted Annotation Server.

Features Supported

  1. List Supported Models (models)
  2. Annotation (dextr3D)
  3. Mask 2D Polygons (maskToPolygon)
  4. Fix 2D Polygon (fixPolygon)