Name | Fast-NR |
Author | Na He |
Version | 1.0 |
Fast-NR is a software which applied on STARR-seq data to identify the negative regulatory elements, like silencer or insulator.
The workflow of Fast-NR as following:
You can install Fast-NR either with using pip or git repository.
- Using git repository
git clone
cd Fast-NR-main
python install
Using git repository
pip install git+
Fast-NR requires
- numpy
- pysam
- scipy
Fast-NR -t <controlFile> -c <treatmentFile> -g <genomeFile> -o <outputName> [options]
parameter | type | Description |
-t |
file | Control file path and name, usually the STARR-seq plasmid library. Only .bam and .bed file accpected. |
-c |
file | Treatment file path and name, usually the STARR-seq cDNA library. Only .bam and 3 column or 6 column .bed file accpected. But this program will not consider the strand information. |
-g |
file | Genome chromosome size file, which can download from the UCSC. File include two column, chromosome, length of chromosome. |
-o |
file | Output path and prefix name of the final result peaks. |
parameter | type | Description |
-p |
value | The cut-off of p value. Default 10-5. |
-cp |
string | The correct method of p value. Include "BH", "Bonferroni". Default "Bonferroni". |
-cm |
string | The method used to calculate the curve similarity. Include 'Cosine', 'Pearson', 'Euclidean', and 'Gradiente'. Default 'Cosine'. |
-ct |
value | The percent cut-off of similarity distance. From 0 to 1. Default 0.9. |
-ws |
value | The size of window, used to find differential coverage region. Default 600 bp. |
-l |
value | Extend the fragment length to this fixed bp length. Default 0. |
--remove |
logical | Remove the slop or not. Set to "TRUE" if want to remove the results in slop regions. Default "FALSE". |
The final output file is a .bed file, include 9 columns.
- column 1 | chromosome. The chromosome name.
- column 2 | start. The start position of peak region.
- column 3 | end. The end position of peak region.
- column 4 | summit. Summit of peak region, also the mid position of peak.
- column 5 | tCount. Number of fragments in treatment library in peak region.
- column 6 | cCount. Number of fragments in control library in peak region.
- column 7 | FC. The fold change of fragment counts in peak region compared with treatment count and control count.
- column 8 | P. P value of peak region.
- column 9 | cP. Corrected p value.
chr2L 103500 104100 103800 120 224 0.535714 2.198757e-13 3.493824e-10
chr2L 114264 114864 114564 8 112 0.071429 1.877090e-36 2.982696e-33
chr2L 143773 144373 144073 260 440 0.590909 7.688970e-19 1.221777e-15
chr2L 148969 149569 149269 139 329 0.422492 1.780870e-30 2.829802e-27
Once you used this program, please cite the following paper: