Solace is the Nabla Assembler. With Solace you can take single assembly files and produce a byte code file able to be loaded by the Nabla Virtual Machine, and you can also setup an assembly "project" to help section apart the code for an application.
Examples of solace projects setup can be found in src/solace_project.
Essentially, the project is a directory with a config.json that specifies the "entry" file and "support" files. Each file listed here should be listed relative to the project directory.
To build Solace, libnabla will need to be installed. Then its as simple as :
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../src
make -j4
▼ Solace ▼ | Help
Short Long Description
-h --solhelp Display help message.
-v --verbose Set assembler to VERBOSE mode
-p --project Assemble an asm project
-f --filein File to assemble
-o --output Output file name
Solace defaults to expect '' and outputs 'solace.out' by default.
Solace only takes in a single file with the -f option.
Example :
./solace -v -p solace_project/example_project -o project.out
To execute the output from Solace, you'll need the Nabla VM.