BooksHive is a MERN stack project focusing on managing an inventory of books. This repository contains the server-side implementation of the project, handling backend functionalities such as database interactions, authentication, and API endpoints.
- MongoDB Integration: Utilizes MongoDB to store inventory data, user information, and newly added books.
- User Authentication: Implements email/password-based authentication along with social login (Google, Facebook) using JWT tokens.
- Protected Routes: Utilizes JWT tokens to protect private routes like inventory details and manage items.
- Inventory Management: CRUD operations for managing inventory items, including updating quantity, deleting items, and adding new items.
- Detailed Item Views: Provides detailed views of inventory items with options to update quantity and view supplier information.
- Pagination for Books: API endpoints support pagination to retrieve books in batches.
- Email Verification: Basic implementation of email verification (email may go to spam folder).
- Error Handling: Displays errors for incorrect login credentials and utilizes meaningful error messages throughout the application.
- Responsive Design: Ensures the website is responsive and optimized for desktop and mobile devices.
- Blog Section: Includes a non-protected route for answering questions related to JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, SQL vs NoSQL, and JWT.
- Meaningful 404 Page: Implements a custom 404 page for handling page-not-found scenarios.
GET /books/all
: Retrieves all books with pagination support.GET /booksCount
: Gets the total count of books in the collection.GET /books/first-six
: Retrieves the first six books.GET /books/:id
: Retrieves a specific book by its ID.POST /books/:id/delivered
: Decreases the quantity of a book after delivery.POST /books/:id/restock
: Increases the quantity of a book after restocking.DELETE /books/:id
: Deletes a book from the inventory.GET /newAddedBooks
: Retrieves newly added books by user email.POST /newAddedBooks
: Adds a new book to the user's collection.GET /newAddedBooks/:id
: Retrieves a specific newly added book by ID.DELETE /newAddedBooks/:id
: Deletes a newly added book from the user's collection.
- Node.js: Server-side JavaScript runtime environment.
- Express.js: Web framework for Node.js.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for data storage.
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Token-based authentication mechanism.
- Axios: HTTP client for making requests to backend API.
- dotenv: Module for loading environment variables.
- Organized and clean code structure.
- Environment variables used for sensitive information.
- Implements JWT token-based authentication for user sessions.
- Ensures data integrity and security with MongoDB integration.
- Node.js installed on your local machine.
- MongoDB instance (local or cloud-based) for data storage.
- SMTP service credentials for sending emails (e.g., Gmail SMTP).
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd bookshive-server npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a
file in the root directory with the following variables:PORT=3000 MONGODB_URI=<your_mongodb_connection_string> JWT_SECRET=<your_jwt_secret_key> SMTP_HOST=<smtp_host> SMTP_PORT=<smtp_port> SMTP_USER=<smtp_username> SMTP_PASS=<smtp_password>
Start the server:
npm start ```Absolutely, here's the section on commits with a potential improvement:
This repository adheres to a structured commit message convention to enhance readability and maintainability. Here's an overview of the key commit types:
- feat: Introduces a new feature to the application.
- fix: Addresses a bug or issue identified in the codebase.
- docs: Encompasses changes made to documentation, such as updates, additions, or corrections.
- style: Covers formatting adjustments, whitespace changes, or fixing minor inconsistencies like missing semicolons.
- refactor: Represents code structure improvements without altering functionality. This can involve code organization, renaming variables or functions, or improving readability.
- test: Introduces new tests or updates existing tests to ensure code quality and maintainability.
- chore: Encompasses changes that don't directly affect the application's functionality, such as updating build tasks, package manager configurations, or dependency versions.
Optional Improvement:
Consider adopting a more comprehensive commit message convention like Conventional Commits ( This approach provides a standard format for commit messages, including type, scope (optional), and a clear description of the change, making it easier to generate changelogs, automate workflows, and collaborate effectively.
By following these guidelines and potentially adopting a more detailed convention, you'll ensure clear and consistent commit messages that benefit you and your team in the long run.
Contributions are always welcome!
Contributions are welcome! Please open a pull request for any improvements or features.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
To deploy this project run
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
Client: React+Vite, React Router, Firebase (Authentication & Hosting), Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI, Axios JS
Server: Express.js, Node.js, JWT
Database: MongoDB
Tools: Vite, Vercel, npm, Surge, Netlify
State Management: Context API
Answer : Yes, the full website is responsive for the all devices (Desktop, Tablet and Phone)
Answer : I have stored all the data in MongoDB.
Hi, I am Nadim Mahmud Nion. I have recently concluded my graduation from the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Daffodil International University (DIU). I have been learning MERN Stack Web Development since 2022. I am expertise in the following skills:
React Router
Firebase (Authentication & Hosting)
Advanced JavaScript
Daisy UI
Media Query
I have built multiple projects using these skills. You are invited to my GitHub profile to know about my projects and don't forget to give a star to my projects.