Blockchain Proof of Concept for GnaNamChain.
Gnan-NamChain is a blockchain solution for Certificate and Credentials Management.
Certificate Issuer
Organisations authorized to issue certificates in their own capacity or on behalf of other registered entities is called as "Certificate Issuer". Issuing organisation could include but not limited to- Educational Institutions like Schools and Colleges providing Marksheets, Provisional Certificates, Degree Certificate, Transfer Certificates
- Government Organisation issuing Community Certificate, Salary Certificate, Birth/Death Certificate
- Private Organisation
Certificate Holder
Individuals who wish to collect and maintain their certificates in the blockchain based system can register themselves are referred to as "Certificate Holder" -
Certificate Verifier
Organisation intending to verifier the credentials of a holder through the blockchain platform for availing any services is called "Certificate Verifier". Verifying organisation could include but not limited to- Educational Institutions like Schools and Colleges verifying certificates issues by other institutions
- Banks verifying certificates to provide Educational, Personal, or Development Loans
- Corporates verifying the new employees credentials
To be updated
Front End Development - Aishwarya.S.R