We're maintaining a repository of XBMC/Kodi add-ons for Australian content, including most free-to-air Catch-up TV services and others like AFL and NRL.
First step is the grab the [repo ZIP file] download.
Simply download the ZIP file to your XBMC/Kodi device and install through the menu via:
System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Install from zip file.
The Kodi wiki has a good [walk-through guide to installing ZIP files] installzip if you get stuck.
Once the repository ZIP file is installed, you can install the individual add-ons through the XBMC/Kodi Add-on manager:
System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Catch-Up TV AU -> Select the add-on category -> Select the add-on -> Install
The Kodi wiki also has a nice guide on [installing Add-ons via the Add-on manager] addonmanager.
For any issues or bug reports, please file them on the [issues page] issues. Please include log output if possible, using Github Gist or Pastebin.com.
For anything else, you can contact me by email andy@andybotting.com or Twitter: @andybotting
Good luck and happy viewing.