CS5670 - Intro to Computer Vision
Project Details Page: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs5670/2023sp/projects/pa2/
The goal of feature detection and matching is to identify a pairing between a point in one image and a corresponding point in another image. These correspondences can then be used to stitch multiple images together into a panorama. In this project, we detected image features and matching pairing features as following:
- Feature detection using Harris
- Feature description (simple and MOPS)
- Feature descriptor SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) implemented in bonus directory in 'extracredit.py'
- Feature matching (SSD and ratio)
Yosemite 1: 1559 keypoints detected
Yosemite 2: 1356 keypoints detected
MOPS SSD: 1559 Matches
MOPS Ratio: 1559 Matches
Simple SSD: 1559 Matches
Simple Ratio: 1559 Matches
ROC Curves and their respective AUC values for all matcher types and tests are shown below in the figure:
SIFT SSD Test ROC Curve: AUC Value 0.9841
SIFT Ratio Test ROC Curve: AUC Value 0.9858