James P. Bagrow, Xipei Liu, Lewis Mitchell
Last modified: 2018-02-21
This README describes the data release for the above project. There are four CSV files associated with project. We describe these data below
The text statistics, entropies and predictabilities for the
- Hashed identifier for user 1 (ego)ID2
- Hashed identifier for user 2 (alter)H1
- Entropy of 1 (bits)H2
- Entropy of 2 (bits)Hx1G2
- Cross-entropy of 1 given 2 (bits)Hx2G1
- Cross-entropy of 2 given 1 (bits)N1m2
- Number of times 1 @-mentions 2N2m1
- Number of times 2 @-mentions 1R2b1
- Ranking of 2 by 1 (ie rank of mentions of 2 in 1's feed) (0 means no mentions)R1b2
- Ranking of 1 by 2 (ie rank of mentions of 1 in 2's feed) (0 means no mentions)N1
- Number of words from 1N2
- Number of words from 2Nuniq1
- Number of unique words from 1Nuniq2
- Number of unique words from 2Ntweets1
- Total number of tweets posted by 1Nfriends1
- Number of distinct individual's @-mentioned by 1Nmentions1
- Total number of @-mentions by 1Ntweets2
- Total number of tweets posted by 2Nfriends2
- Number of distinct individual's @-mentioned by 2Nmentions2
- Total number of @-mentions by 2KL12
- KL-divergenceKL21
- KL-divergencePi1
- Predictability of 1Pi2
- Predictability of 2Pix1G2
- "Cross-predictability" of 1 given 2Pix2G1
- "Cross-predictability" of 2 given 1
Cumulative entropy and predictability for ego-alter pairs. Fields:
- rank of alterHx
- cross-entropy ego from rank-r alterCHx
- cumulative cross-entropy of ego from rank-1 through rank-r altersCHxA
- cumulative cross-entropy of ego from rank-1:-r alters and egoPiEgoGalters
- Predictability of ego given alters 1:rPiEgoGaltersAndEgo
- Predictability of ego given alters 1:r and ego
As per cumulative_data_origin.csv
but for the temporal and social controls.
respectively. Fields:
- rank of this alterHx
- Cross-entropy of ego given rank-r alterCHx
- Cumulative cross-entropy of ego given alters ranked 1:rNe
- Number of words of egoVe
- Number of unique words of egoNa
- Number of words of alterVa
- Number of unique words of alterPiEgoGalter
- Predictability of ego given rank-r alterPiEgoGalters
- Predictability of ego given alter ranked 1:r