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Running Exhibitor

qiangdavidliu edited this page Apr 27, 2015 · 24 revisions

Once built, Exhibitor is completely self-contained and can be run from the command line:

java -jar <path>/exhibitor-xxx.jar -c file

You can test that it’s running correctly by going to this URL in a browser: http://localhost:8080/exhibitor/v1/ui/index.html

The above describes running with the default configuration, however you’ll likely need to customize some of the defaults. Exhibitor accepts several command line options (the complete list is shown when run with --help).

Here is the current set of options:

 -?,--help                     Print this help
 -c,--configtype <arg>         Defines which configuration type you want
                               to use. Choices are: "file", "s3",
                               "zookeeper" or "none". Additional config
                               will be required depending on which type
                               you are using.
    --configcheckms <arg>      Period (ms) to check for shared config
                               updates. Default is: 30000
    --defaultconfig <arg>      Full path to a file that contains
                               initial/default values for
                               Exhibitor/ZooKeeper config values. The file
                               is a standard property file. The property
                               names are listed below. The file can
                               specify some or all of the properties.
    --headingtext <arg>        Extra text to display in UI header
    --hostname <arg>           Hostname to use for this JVM. Default is:
    --jquerystyle <arg>        Styling used for the JQuery-based UI.
                               Currently available options: red, black,
    --loglines <arg>           Max lines of logging to keep in memory for
                               display. Default is 1000.
    --nodemodification <arg>   If true, the Explorer UI will allow nodes
                               to be modified (use with caution). Default
                               is true.
    --port <arg>               Port for the HTTP Server. Default is: 8080
    --prefspath <arg>          Certain values (such as Control Panel
                               values) are stored in a preferences file.
                               By default, Preferences.userRoot() is used.
                               Use this option to specify a different file
    --servo <arg>              true/false (default is false). If enabled,
                               ZooKeeper will be queried once a minute for
                               its state via the 'mntr' four letter word
                               (this requires ZooKeeper 3.4.x+). Servo
                               will be used to publish this data via JMX.
    --timeout <arg>            Connection timeout (ms) for ZK connections.
                               Default is 30000.

== S3 Options ==
    --s3credentials <arg>   Optional credentials to use for s3backup or
                            s3config. Argument is the path to an AWS
                            credential properties file with two
    --s3region <arg>        Optional region for S3 calls (e.g.
                            "eu-west-1"). Will be used to set the S3
                            client's endpoint.

== Configuration Options for Type "s3" ==
    --s3config <arg>         The bucket name and key to store the config
                             (s3credentials may be provided as well).
                             Argument is [bucket name]:[key].
    --s3configprefix <arg>   When using AWS S3 shared config files, the
                             prefix to use for values such as locks.
                             Default is exhibitor-

== Configuration Options for Type "zookeeper" ==
    --zkconfigconnect <arg>         The initial connection string for
                                    ZooKeeper shared config storage. E.g:
    --zkconfigexhibitorpath <arg>   Used if the ZooKeeper shared config is
                                    also running Exhibitor. This is the
                                    URI path for the REST call. The
                                    default is: /
    --zkconfigexhibitorport <arg>   Used if the ZooKeeper shared config is
                                    also running Exhibitor. This is the
                                    port that Exhibitor is listening on.
                                    IMPORTANT: if this value is not set it
                                    implies that Exhibitor is not being
                                    used on the ZooKeeper shared config.
    --zkconfigpollms <arg>          The period in ms to check for changes
                                    in the config ensemble. The default
                                    is: 10000
    --zkconfigretry <arg>           The retry values to use in the form
                                    sleep-ms:retry-qty. The default is:
    --zkconfigzpath <arg>           The base ZPath that Exhibitor should
                                    use. E.g: "/exhibitor/config"

== Configuration Options for Type "file" ==
    --fsconfigdir <arg>          Directory to store Exhibitor properties
                                 (cannot be used with s3config). Exhibitor
                                 uses file system locks so you can specify
                                 a shared location so as to enable
                                 complete ensemble management. Default
                                 location is
    --fsconfiglockprefix <arg>   A prefix for a locking mechanism. Used in
                                 conjunction with fsconfigdir. Default is
    --fsconfigname <arg>         The name of the file to store config in.
                                 Used in conjunction with fsconfigdir.
                                 Default is

== Configuration Options for Type "none" ==
    --noneconfigdir <arg>   Directory to store the local configuration
                            file. Config type "none" is a special purpose
                            type that should only be used when running a
                            second ZooKeeper ensemble that is used for
                            storing config. DO NOT USE THIS MODE for a
                            normal ZooKeeper ensemble.

== Backup Options ==
    --filesystembackup <arg>   If true, enables file system backup of
                               ZooKeeper log files.
    --s3backup <arg>           If true, enables AWS S3 backup of ZooKeeper
                               log files (s3credentials may be provided as

== Authorization Options ==
    --realm <arg>        Specifies the realm as [realm name]:[path/url].
                         The path/url must point to a realm properties
                         file as described here (see HashUserRealm):
    --remoteauth <arg>   Exhibitor uses the Jersey Client to remotely
                         connect to each Exhibitor instance in the
                         ensemble. If you have security enabled for
                         Exhibitor you also need to specify authorization
                         for the remote client. The argument for
                         remoteauth is: <type>:<realm-user>. "type" must
                         be either "basic" or "digest". "realm-user" is
                         the user to use from the realm file.
    --security <arg>     Path to a web.xml file with security information
                         (all other tags are ignored). See

== Deprecated Authorization Options ==
    --basicauthrealm <arg>    Basic Auth Realm to Protect the Exhibitor UI
                              (DEPRECATED - use --security/--realm
    --consolepassword <arg>   Basic Auth Password to Protect the Exhibitor
                              UI (DEPRECATED - use --security/--realm
    --consoleuser <arg>       Basic Auth Username to Protect the Exhibitor
                              UI (DEPRECATED - use --security/--realm
    --curatorpassword <arg>   Basic Auth Password to Protect cluster list
                              api (DEPRECATED - use --security/--realm
    --curatoruser <arg>       Basic Auth Password to Protect the cluster
                              list api (DEPRECATED - use
                              --security/--realm instead)

== ACL Options ==
    --aclid <arg>       Enable ACL for Exhibitor's internal ZooKeeper
                        connection. This sets the ACL's ID.
    --aclperms <arg>    Enable ACL for Exhibitor's internal ZooKeeper
                        connection. This sets the ACL's Permissions - a
                        comma list of possible permissions. If this isn't
                        specified the permission is set to ALL. Values:
                        read, write, create, delete, admin
    --aclscheme <arg>   Enable ACL for Exhibitor's internal ZooKeeper
                        connection. This sets the ACL's Scheme.

== Default Property Names ==

Note that exhibitors in an ensemble communicate with each other on the port specified by —port (default to 8080), so make sure this port is open between exhibitor processes in an ensemble.