A simple fan control tray icon I created to switch between auto mode and full-speed on my Thinkpad Extreme.
Note: This is not an ideal configuration. Writing a file into the sudoer file is not a safe approach, but I went with this as it was the fastest way to get the script to start at start-up.
- In the package, run
chmod 755 fanControl.sh
(this is very important so non-sudoers can not exploit this configuration to run commands as sudo with a password) - Open up visual sudo with
sudo visudo
and add the following lineALL ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: <path to package>/fanControl.sh
- Add an autostart config file:
cd ~/.config/autostart
- Create a new file, for example
- Add the following contents:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Fan Control Tray Icon Exec=<path to package>/fanTrayIcon.py X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true