C program for calculations of algebraic sets and relation_t. No external libraries where used, so the program can be compiled almost in any environment. Uses CMake to build executable.
- Vector - array of strings
- Set - algebraic set
- Set Vector - array of algebraic sets
- Command - program instruction
- Command Vector - array of program instructions
- Command System - commands controller (validation, initialization, execution, etc.)
Data type for array of strings. Contains array of strings. Has size and capacity. Size indicates real number of items in array. Capacity indicates for what number of items has been the memory allocated. If sizes reaches vector's capacity, reallocates array and increases capacity x2.
typedef struct {
int size;
int capacity;
char **elements;
} vector_t;
Vector initialization
- Capacity of vector. Must be greater 0
Returns: initialized vector
vector_t *vector_init(int capacity);
Add item to vector
- Pointer to the vector where to add
- String to add
void vector_add(vector_t *v, char *s);
Resize vector items to the same length
- Pointer to the vector to be resized
- Length to resize
void resize_all(vector_t *v, unsigned int max);
Remove element from vector
- Pointer to the vector where the element will be deleted
- Index of the element
void vector_remove(vector_t *v, int index);
Apply function for each element of the vector
- Pointer to the vector with elements
- Pointer to the function to be applied to each element of vector
void vector_foreach(vector_t *v, void (*f)(char *));
Find maximum item length in vector
- Pointer to the vector with elements
Returns: Maximum length in the elements
unsigned int find_max_vector_element_size(vector_t *v);
Delete vector from memory
- Pointer to the vector
void vector_free(vector_t *v);
Data type for algebraic sets. Contains array of strings. Has size, capacity and index. Size indicates the real number of items in the array. Capacity indicates for what number of items has been the memory allocated. The index indicates order of the set and used to determine set. If sizes reaches vector's capacity, reallocates array and increases capacity x2.
typedef struct set {
unsigned int index;
int size;
int capacity;
char **elements;
} set_t;
Set initialization
- Capacity of the set
Returns: initialized set
set_t *set_init(int capacity);
Set initialization
- Capacity of the set
- Index of the set
Returns: initialized set
set_t *set_init_indexed(int index, int capacity);
Add item to the set
- Set to add an item
- Item to be added to the set
void set_add(set_t *s, char *e);
Print the set
- The set to print
void set_print(set_t *s);
Data type for vector of sets. Contains array of sets. Has size and capacity. Size indicates the real number of sets in the array. Capacity indicates for what number of sets has been the memory allocated. If sizes reaches vector's capacity, reallocates array and increases capacity x2.
typedef struct set_vector_t {
int size;
int capacity;
set_t **sets;
} set_vector_t;
Set vector initialization
- Capacity of the set vector
Returns: Initialized set vector
set_vector_t *set_vector_init(int capacity);
Add set to the set vector at index
- Pointer to the set vector
- Pointer to the set to be added
- Index of the set
void set_vector_add(set_vector_t *sv, set_t *s, int index);
Find set by index
- Pointer to the set vector
- Index of the set
Returns: Pointer to the set
set_t *set_vector_find(set_vector_t *sv, int index);
Print the set vector
- The set vector to print
void set_vector_print(set_vector_t *sv)
Data type for command. Command is a program instruction defined in input file. Contains command type and arguments. Command type can be one of the following: U S R C. Arguments is a vector.
typedef struct {
commands type;
vector_t args;
} command_t;
Command initialization
Returns: Initialized command
command_t *init_command();
Command initialization with type
- Command type
Returns: Initialized command
command_t *init_command_with_type(commands type);
Set command arguments
- Pointer to the command
- Pointer to the vector with arguments
void set_command_args(command_t *c, vector_t *args);
Add argument to the command
- Pointer to the command
- Pointer to the argument
void add_command_arg(command_t *c, char *arg);
Convert command to set
- Pointer to the command
Returns: Pointer to the set
set_t *command_to_set(command_t *c);
Copy command
- Pointer to the command
Returns: Pointer to the copied command
command_t *command_copy(command_t *c);
Print command
- Pointer to the command
void print_command(command_t *c);
Remove command from memory
- Pointer to the command
void free_command(command_t *c);
Data type for vector of commands. Contains array of commands. Has size, capacity and references to the command system. Size indicates the real number of commands in the array. Capacity indicates for what number of commands has been the memory allocated. If sizes reaches vector's capacity, reallocates array and increases capacity x2.
typedef struct {
int size;
int capacity;
command_t *commands;
command_system_t *system;
} command_vector_t;
Initialize command vector
- Capacity of the command vector
Returns: Initialized command vector
command_vector_t *command_vector_init(int capacity);
Add command to the command vector
- Pointer to the command vector
- Pointer to the command to be added
void command_vector_add(command_vector_t *cv, command_t c);
Replace command in the command vector by index
- Pointer to the command vector
- Pointer to the command to be replaced
- Index of the command
void command_vector_replace(command_vector_t *cv, command_t c, int index);
Validate command vector using multiple rules
- Pointer to the command vector
- Pointer to the operation vector
Returns: True if command vector is valid, false otherwise
bool validate_command_vector(command_vector_t *cv, operation_vector_t *ov);
Attach command system to the command vector
- Pointer to the command vector
- Pointer to the command system
void attach_command_system(command_vector_t *cv, command_system_t *cs);
Get unique command types from the command vector
- Pointer to the command vector
Returns: Pointer to the vector with unique command types
vector_t *get_unique_command_types(command_vector_t *cv);
Get command by index
- Pointer to the command vector
- Index of the command
Returns: Pointer to the command
command_t *get_command_by_index(command_vector_t *cv, int index);
Find command by type
- Pointer to the command vector
- Command type
Returns: Pointer to the command
command_t *find_command_by_type(command_vector_t *cv, commands type);
Find all commands by type
- Pointer to the command vector
- Command type
Returns: Pointer to the vector with commands
command_vector_t *find_command_by_type_all(command_vector_t *cv, commands type);
Slice command vector
- Pointer to the command vector
- Start index
- End index
Returns: Pointer to the sliced command vector
command_vector_t * command_vector_slice(command_vector_t *cv, int start, int end);
Check if command vector contains the command with type
- Pointer to the command vector
- Command type
Returns: True if command vector contains the command with type, false otherwise
bool command_vector_contains_type(command_vector_t *cv, commands type);
Print command vector
- Pointer to the command vector
void command_vector_print(command_vector_t *cv);
Remove command vector from memory
- Pointer to the command vector
void command_vector_free(command_vector_t *cv);
Parse file with commands
- Name of the file
Returns: Pointer to the command vector
command_vector_t *parse_file(char *filename);
Data type for command system. Used to control the execution of commands. Has filename of the file with commands. Has pointer to the command vector where all commands from file are stored. Has pointer to the operation vector where all allowed operations are stored. Has pointer to the set vector where all sets are stored.
typedef struct command_system_t {
char *filename;
command_vector_t *cv;
operation_vector_t *operation_vector;
set_t *universe;
set_vector_t *set_vector;
Initialize command system
- Name of the file with commands
Returns: Initialized command system
command_system_t *command_system_init(char *filename);
Basic command system initialization
- Pointer to the command system
void command_system_init_base(command_system_t *cs);
Run validation of the command system
- Pointer to the command system
void command_system_validate(command_system_t *cs);
Vectors initialization in the command system
- Pointer to the command system
void command_system_init_vectors(command_system_t *cs);
Execution of the command system
- Pointer to the command system
void command_system_exec(command_system_t *cs);
Remove command system from memory
- Pointer to the command system
void command_system_free(command_system_t *cs);