Python, as an easily readable programming language, is easy to start with. This project aims to build a Weblog, implementing python modules asyncio
Instead of using Synchronous Python Web Frameworks like Flask, Django, the project develops an Asynchronous web and starts out from building Web Frames, ORM, MVC, API, then to CSS/HTML, JS, DOM, then to DevOps.
Operating System
- Ubuntu 16.04LTS ( python3.5.2 )
Python Full Stack Develop
- Front End
HTML, CSS, DOM, JS, JSON, jQuery, Vue - Back End
Python, MySQL, Nginx, Supervisor
- mysql-server -- 5.7.24
Python(3.5.2) modules:
- jinja2 -- 2.9.6
- aiohttp -- 2.3.10
- aiomysql -- 0.0.19
Web server:
- nginx -- 1.10.3
- supervisor -- 3.2.0