This is a game created in SFML using various external libraries such as:
- Entity Component design pattern - DONE
- Tiling (map) - DONE
- Asset Manager (for loading in textures,etc) - DONE
- Procedural Level Generation (see disclaimers) - DONE
- AI:
- Influence Map (Bonus) - DONE
- A* Algorithm - DONE
- Path Following, Wandering, etc - DONE (AI wandering around by following random points in the level)
- Memory Mangement (memory pools) - DONE (Data Locality Pattern & Memory Object Pools)
- Networking (basic replication of other players position) - DONE
- Sound Effects - DONE (With locailisation)
- Music - DONE
- Menus (GUI) - DONE
Many parts of this project use Chris Ohk’s code from his ProceduralContentGeneration repository, either as a baseline to get the projected started, or as libraries for this project. However, the taken parts are improved upon and adjusted to suit this project’s goals.
Additionally, in order to save time on designing and developing levels for various floors I implemented procedural level generation based on Dale Green’s book Procedural Content Generation for C++ Game Development.