This project is a Vue.js application designed to replicate the GitHub web interface by consuming the GitHub API using Octokit. The application uses Tailwind CSS for styling and includes the following main components:
- RepoPage: Lists all the repositories available for a given user.
- RepoDetailsPage: Displays details for a single repository.
- ErrorBoundary: Captures and renders any errors that occur within the application.
- NotFoundPage: Displays a 404 error page when a route is not found.
You can check out a live demo of the project here.
- List all repositories for a given user.
- Display detailed information for a selected repository.
- Error boundary component to handle errors.
- 404 page for non-existing routes.
- Styled with Tailwind CSS for a modern and responsive design.
ReposPage Lists all the repositories for a given GitHub user. It fetches data from the GitHub API using Octokit and displays it in a list format.
RepoDetailsPage Displays detailed information about a single repository, such as the repository's name, description,stars, forks, and other relevant information.
ErrorBoundary Captures any errors in the application and renders a fallback UI. This helps in handling any unexpected issues in the app. The [Overview] nav shows the error in the application if there is any.
NotFoundPage Renders a 404 error page when a user navigates to a non-existing route. The [Action] nav is use as the non existing route.