A Discord bot for PvZ related tasks.
pvz.help - Displays all of the below help commands.
pvz.randomizer - Displays all of the randomizer commands.
pvz.calc - Displays all of the calculator commands.
pvz.info - Displays information about the Bot.
pvz.events - Displays the current Garden Warfare 2 and Battle for Neighborville In-Game Events.
pvz.gw1plant - Randomly selects a Garden Warfare 1 Plant character.
pvz.gw1zombie - Randomly selects a Garden Warfare 1 Zombie character.
pvz.gw2plant - Randomly selects a Garden Warfare 2 Plant character.
pvz.gw2zombie - Randomly selects a Garden Warfare 2 Zombie character.
pvz.bfnplant - Randomly selects a Battle for Neighborville Plant character.
pvz.bfnzombie - Randomly selects a Battle for Neighborville Zombie character.
pvz.tobulb [XP Count] - Converts the amount of specified XP to Prize Bulbs.
pvz.toxp [Prize Bulb Count] - Converts the amount of specified Prize Bulbs to XP.
pvz.mysteryportal - Shows the current Garden Warfare 2 Mystery Portal event and Battle for Neighborville Weekly Event.
pvz.weeklyevent - Shows BFN Weekly Event details.
pvz.eventdata [Event Name] - Shows information on a certain BFN Weekly Event.
pvz.challenges - Shows BFN Character Challenges during the current Prize Map.
pvz.bfnupgs [Character Name] (ex. Super Brainz, All-Star, 80s Action Hero, Kernel Corn, Acorn)