- Create a Canvas, change its color if you need.
- Add a Toggle (UI -> Toggle). Change font size, checkmark size if needed.
- In Toggle in OnValueChanged component add new item, drop a Title, select GameObject -> SetActive.
- Create a Canvas, change its color if you need.
- (not necessary) Add a Panel, change its size and color.
- Add some Text (may be Question).
- Create Empty GameObject (rename it to Options) for all answers.
- Inside the Options create a Toggle (UI -> Toggle), rename it, change Label Text, font size, position, etc.
- Dublicate first option as many times as you need. Change info.
- Add a Toggle Group component to Options.
- Select ALL toggles, in Toggle component change Group to "Options".
- Inside the Panel create a Button (rename to Submit Button).
- Create a new Script. Add it to Options.
- Create a Submit method. Inside a OnClick() component of SubmitButton add Options and check its Submit method.
- You can also create a new Sprite (2d objects -> sprites -> circle), and set it as a source image in toggle's background.
- Create a Canvas, change its color, size, etc.
- Create an empty GameObject (rename to SwitchToggle). Add an Image inside (rename to Background), change its size and color.
- In source image add a bg1 sprite.
- Inside of Background add a new Image (rename to Handle), in source image add a handle1 sprite.
- Add text field if needed.
- In SwitchToggle add a new component Toggle.
- In Toggle component drop SwitchToggle background image into Target Graphic.
- Create a new C# script (SwitchToggle). Add logic. Add this script to SwitchToggle.
- For animation: download DoTween asset from Asset Store, import it. Add library in script. Add logic in script.
- Create a Canvas, change its color, size, etc.
- Create text fields (in this case - for name, surname and age).
- Add an Imput Field for each text field (UI -> ImputField), change its size, color, placeholder, etc.
- Add a Toggle, change its label, size, etc. In Toggle component uncheck IsOn.
- Add a Button, rename it to SubmitButton.
- Add text fields for messages.
- Create an empty GameObject (rename to CheckErrorController).
- Create a new script and attach it to CheckErrorController, add logic.
- Create a text field for erroe message.