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TiSpark example


  1. Download or compile tispark here and make sure it is visible in your local maven repository(Which means that you may need to execute mvn clean install in your tispark directory to install tispark to your local .m2 repository).
  2. In your project pom.xml, include these dependencies:


  1. Write your own application code. In this example, we create a Java file com.pingcap.spark.App like this:
package com.pingcap.spark;

import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
import org.apache.spark.sql.TiContext;

public class App {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SparkSession spark = SparkSession
            .appName("TiSpark Application")

    TiContext ti = new TiContext(spark);
    ti.tidbMapDatabase("tpch", false);
    Dataset dataset = spark.sql("select * from customer");;

We ues it to fetch all rows from table tpch.customer and print them out.

  1. Run mvn clean package in your console to build your-application.jar
  2. cd to your spark configuration directory and add this line in your spark-default.conf

You can change your pd address according to your actual deployment environment.

  1. cd to you spark home directory and run
./bin/spark-submit --class <main class> --jars /where-ever-it-is/tispark-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar your-application.jar

--class specifies the entry point of your application
--jars specifies the TiSpark library

In this case, we run

./bin/spark-submit --class com.pingcap.spark.App --jars /home/novemser/Documents/Code/PingCAP/tispark/target/tispark-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /home/novemser/Documents/Code/Java/tisparksample/target/tispark-sample-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

And the results:

Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/
17/10/26 19:58:27 INFO SparkContext: Running Spark version 2.2.0
17/10/26 19:58:28 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
17/10/26 19:58:28 WARN Utils: Your hostname, NPC resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface wlp2s0)
17/10/26 19:58:28 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
17/10/26 19:58:28 INFO SparkContext: Submitted application: TiSpark Application
17/10/26 19:58:28 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: novemser
17/10/26 19:58:28 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: novemser
17/10/26 19:58:28 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls groups to: 
17/10/26 19:58:28 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls groups to: 
17/10/26 19:58:28 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users  with view permissions: Set(novemser); groups with view permissions: Set(); users  with modify permissions: Set(novemser); groups with modify permissions: Set()
17/10/26 19:58:29 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkDriver' on port 46249.
17/10/26 19:58:29 INFO SparkEnv: Registering MapOutputTracker
17/10/26 19:58:29 INFO SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster
...dummy info ignored
17/10/26 19:58:37 INFO CodeGenerator: Code generated in 42.029035 ms
|c_custkey|            c_name|           c_address|c_nationkey|        c_phone|c_acctbal|c_mktsegment|           c_comment|
|        1|Customer#000000001|   IVhzIApeRb ot,c,E|         15|25-989-741-2988|   711.56|    BUILDING|to the even, regu...|
|        2|Customer#000000002|XSTf4,NCwDVaWNe6t...|         13|23-768-687-3665|   121.65|  AUTOMOBILE|l accounts. blith...|
|        3|Customer#000000003|        MG9kdTD2WBHm|          1|11-719-748-3364|  7498.12|  AUTOMOBILE| deposits eat sly...|
|        4|Customer#000000004|         XxVSJsLAGtn|          4|14-128-190-5944|  2866.83|   MACHINERY| requests. final,...|
|        5|Customer#000000005|KvpyuHCplrB84WgAi...|          3|13-750-942-6364|   794.47|   HOUSEHOLD|n accounts will h...|
|        6|Customer#000000006|sKZz0CsnMD7mp4Xd0...|         20|30-114-968-4951|  7638.57|  AUTOMOBILE|tions. even depos...|
|        7|Customer#000000007|TcGe5gaZNgVePxU5k...|         18|28-190-982-9759|  9561.95|  AUTOMOBILE|ainst the ironic,...|
|        8|Customer#000000008|I0B10bB0AymmC, 0P...|         17|27-147-574-9335|  6819.74|    BUILDING|among the slyly r...|
|        9|Customer#000000009|xKiAFTjUsCuxfeleN...|          8|18-338-906-3675|  8324.07|   FURNITURE|r theodolites acc...|
|       10|Customer#000000010|6LrEaV6KR6PLVcgl2...|          5|15-741-346-9870|  2753.54|   HOUSEHOLD|es regular deposi...|
|       11|Customer#000000011|PkWS 3HlXqwTuzrKg...|         23|33-464-151-3439|  -272.60|    BUILDING|ckages. requests ...|
|       12|Customer#000000012|       9PWKuhzT4Zr1Q|         13|23-791-276-1263|  3396.49|   HOUSEHOLD| to the carefully...|
|       13|Customer#000000013|nsXQu0oVjD7PM659u...|          3|13-761-547-5974|  3857.34|    BUILDING|ounts sleep caref...|
|       14|Customer#000000014|     KXkletMlL2JQEA |          1|11-845-129-3851|  5266.30|   FURNITURE|, ironic packages...|
|       15|Customer#000000015|YtWggXoOLdwdo7b0y...|         23|33-687-542-7601|  2788.52|   HOUSEHOLD| platelets. regul...|
|       16|Customer#000000016| cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,|         10|20-781-609-3107|  4681.03|   FURNITURE|kly silent courts...|
|       17|Customer#000000017|izrh 6jdqtp2eqdtb...|          2|12-970-682-3487|     6.34|  AUTOMOBILE|packages wake! bl...|
|       18|Customer#000000018|3txGO AiuFux3zT0Z...|          6|16-155-215-1315|  5494.43|    BUILDING|s sleep. carefull...|
|       19|Customer#000000019|uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmL...|         18|28-396-526-5053|  8914.71|   HOUSEHOLD| nag. furiously c...|
|       20|Customer#000000020|       JrPk8Pqplj4Ne|         22|32-957-234-8742|  7603.40|   FURNITURE|g alongside of th...|
only show top 20 rows


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