Important: This repo was an attempt at organizing OHDSI study packages that wasn't very succesful. Please use the ohdsi-studies organization for sharing OHDSI study packages.
Click on one of the folders and read the instructions there to execute one of these studies
Create a study package repository in your own GitHub space. We do not store any packages directly in this repository. Instead, we rely on Git submodules. To create a study package, please create a repository in your own GitHub space. For example, a study package called 'MethodLibraryPleEvaluation' has been created here in @schuemie's personal space.
Add the package repository as a submodule. Here are example Git commands:
First clone the OhdsiStudies repository if you haven't done so:
git clone cd OhdsiStudies
Then, add your repository as a submodule. Note that the URL is the 'clone' URL. The name after the URL is the name of the folder that will be created in the OhdsiStudies repository. Please keep that the same as the study package name:
git submodule add MethodsLibraryPleEvaluation git commit -a -m "Adding submodule" git push
Note that submodules create a snapshot of the study repository. OhdsiStudies will point to the commit at the time the submodule was added, future changes in the source repository are not automatically visible in OhdsiStudies. Whenever the source study package is updated, we may want to update the submodule in OhdsiStudies. Here's how:
First initialize your submodule. Before initialization, the submodules will just be pointers to the source repositories:
git submodule update --init -- MethodsLibraryPleEvaluation
Change into the submodule directory:
cd MethodsLibraryPleEvaluation
Switch to the source repository master branch if needed:
git checkout master
And pull the latest changes:
git pull
Go to the root folder, add the new changes, and push to OhdsiStudies:
cd ..
git add MethodsLibraryPleEvaluation
git commit -a -m "Updating MethodsLibraryPleEvaluation submodule"
git push