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Go module implementing a kafka client wrapper, abstracting messages to go channels


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Kafka client wrapper using channels to abstract kafka consumers and producers. This library is built on top of Sarama


By default, the library assumes plaintext connections, unless the configuration argument has a non-nil SecurityConfig field.

Setup app to use TLS

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed service that enables you to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data.

As of 2021, our apps have migrated from running our own Kafka to using Amazon MSK as it provides the control-plane operations, such as those for creating, updating, and deleting clusters and lets you use Apache Kafka data-plane operations, such as those for producing and consuming data.

To use TLS, please do the following:

1. Add kafka topics to manifest

First of all, we need to update the manifest of the app to contain the kafka topics which the app uses. This is done as follows:

  1. Create feature branch for the upcoming changes to the manifest of the app in dp-configs

  2. In the manifest of the app, add the revelant kafka topics at the end of the file as follows

    - name: `topic name 1` (e.g. `content-published`)
      subnets: [ `web` or `publishing` or both `web, publishing` ]
      access: [ `read` or `write` ]
    - name: `topic name 2` 
      subnets: [ `web` or `publishing` or both `web, publishing` ]
      access: [ `read` or `write` ]

More details of kafka section can be found here

An example of adding kafka topics to the manifest can be found here

  1. Review and merge these changes to continue with the next step

2. Create client certificate for the app - Run key-admin script

Next, we need to create a client certificate for the app so that it can connect and authenticate using TLS and its client certificate. This can be achieved by running the key-admin script.


  1. The key-admin script checks the manifests of the apps in dp-configs to see whether a client certificate needs to be created for the app (by checking whether any kafka topics are mentioned in the manifest). Therefore, please make sure that your local machine is on the master branch for dp-configs which contains all your changes from the previous step.
  2. Remember to do Step 4 of the Client Certificate README to inject the relevant certificate details into the app's secrets (using the --secrets argument) unless the app is being migrated to AWS MSK in which case this step is done later
  3. Please remember to come back to this README after completing this task to continue with the process.

Follow the steps explained in the Client Certificate README to run key-admin

3. Apply kafka topics to AWS MKS - Run topic-manager script

Next, we need to create the kafka topics - used by the app - on AWS MSK. This can be achieved by running the topic-manager script. Running the script informs AWS MSK of:

  • any new topics (topic manager creates them)
  • new clients/apps (i.e. certs) using the service:
    • topic manager authorises the clients/apps (i.e. certs) to gain the right access (read and/or write) to its topics
    • renewed certs do not need a re-run of topic manager


  1. The topic-manager script checks the manifests of the apps in dp-configs to see if any changes to kafka topics (adding or deleting topics) need to be applied to AWS MSK by checking the kafka topics mentioned in the manifest. Therefore, please make sure that your local machine is on the master branch for dp-configs which contains all your changes from the previous step.
  2. Please remember to come back to this README after completing this task to continue with the process.

Follow the steps explained in the Kafka Setup Tools README to run topic-manager

4. Add configs in the app to use AWS MSK

Once the components (in previous steps) have been setup for the app to use TLS, the app itself needs to be updated to use TLS. To achieve this, please do the following:

  1. Update the app to include kafka configurations to connect to AWS MSK using TLS

    | Environment variable         | Default                                   | Description
    | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -----------
    | KAFKA_ADDR                   | localhost:39092                           | A list of kafka brokers (TLS-ready)
    | KAFKA_VERSION                | "1.0.2"                                   | The version of (TLS-ready) Kafka being used
    | KAFKA_SEC_PROTO              | _unset_                                   | if set to `TLS`, kafka connections will use TLS ([ref-1])
    | KAFKA_SEC_CA_CERTS           | _unset_                                   | CA cert chain for the server cert ([ref-1])
    | KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_KEY         | _unset_                                   | PEM for the client key ([ref-1])
    | KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_CERT        | _unset_                                   | PEM for the client certificate ([ref-1])
    | KAFKA_SEC_SKIP_VERIFY        | false                                     | ignores server certificate issues if `true` ([ref-1])
     [ref-1]: 'kafka TLS examples documentation'
  2. Add the configurations to config.go

    // KafkaTLSProtocolFlag informs service to use TLS protocol for kafka
    const KafkaTLSProtocolFlag = "TLS"
    type Config struct {
         // TO-REMOVE: this struct already contains other configs in the app but update this struct accordingly with the following organised layout
         KafkaConfig                KafkaConfig
     // KafkaConfig contains the config required to connect to Kafka
     type KafkaConfig struct {
         Brokers                  []string `envconfig:"KAFKA_ADDR"                            json:"-"`
         Version                  string   `envconfig:"KAFKA_VERSION"`
         SecProtocol              string   `envconfig:"KAFKA_SEC_PROTO"`
         SecCACerts               string   `envconfig:"KAFKA_SEC_CA_CERTS"`
         SecClientKey             string   `envconfig:"KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_KEY"                  json:"-"`
         SecClientCert            string   `envconfig:"KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_CERT"`
         SecSkipVerify            bool     `envconfig:"KAFKA_SEC_SKIP_VERIFY"`
    // TO-REMOVE: set the default values of the kafka configs in the Get() as the following
    KafkaConfig: KafkaConfig{
             Brokers:                  []string{"localhost:9092"},
             Version:                  "1.0.2",
             SecProtocol:              "",
             SecCACerts:               "",
             SecClientCert:            "",
             SecClientKey:             "",
             SecSkipVerify:            false,
  3. Update the test to check config default values in config_test.go accordingly

    So(cfg.KafkaConfig.Brokers[0], ShouldResemble, []string{"localhost:9092"})
    So(cfg.KafkaConfig.Version, ShouldEqual, "1.0.2")
    So(cfg.KafkaConfig.SecProtocol, ShouldEqual, "")
    So(cfg.KafkaConfig.SecCACerts, ShouldEqual, "")
    So(cfg.KafkaConfig.SecClientCert, ShouldEqual, "")
    So(cfg.KafkaConfig.SecClientKey, ShouldEqual, "")
    So(cfg.KafkaConfig.SecSkipVerify, ShouldBeFalse)

    An example of adding kafka configs to the app can be found here

  4. Continue to the next step in the Creation of Kafka Producer and/or Consumer


Kafka producers and consumers can be created with constructors that accept the required configuration. You may get the channels struct using producer.Channels() and consumer.Channels() respectively.

For optional config values, the Sarama default config values will be used unless an override is provided. If a compulsory value is not provided, the config validation will fail, and the error will be returned by the constructor function.

The constructor tries to initialise the producer/consumer by creating the underlying Sarama client, but failing to do so will not result in an error: an uninitialised consumer/producer will be returned instead.

Producer creation

The producer constructor accepts a configuration. The configuration needs to provide at least Brokers and ProducedTopic. You may also provide overrides for default Sarama configs, like KafkaVersion or MaxMessageBytes, and/or a SecurityConfig as described in the previous section.

    // Create Producer with config
    pConfig := &kafka.ProducerConfig{
        BrokerAddrs:     kafkaConfig.Brokers,       // compulsory
        Topic:           kafkaConfig.ProducedTopic, // compulsory
        KafkaVersion:    &kafkaConfig.Version,
        MaxMessageBytes: &kafkaConfig.MaxBytes,
    if kafkaConfig.SecProtocol == config.KafkaTLSProtocolFlag {
        pConfig.SecurityConfig = kafka.GetSecurityConfig(
    producer, err := kafka.NewProducer(ctx, pConfig)

ConsumerGroup creation

The consumerGroup constructor accepts a configuration. The configuration needs to provide at least Brokers, Topic and GroupName. You may also provide overrides for default Sarama configs, like KafkaVersion or MaxMessageBytes, and/or a SecurityConfig as described in the previous section.

For concurrent consumers, you can override NumWorkers config (default is 1), which determine the number of go-routines that will handle messages.

For batch consumers, you can override BatchSize (default is 1) and BatchWaitTime (default is 200 ms), which determine the maximum number of kafka messages stored in a batch, and the maximum time to wait until the batch is processed, respectively, and/or a SecurityConfig as described in the previous section.

The constructor will create an Upstream channel with a buffer size that is the maximum between BatchSize and NumWorkers

    // Create ConsumerGroup with config
    cgConfig := &kafka.ConsumerGroupConfig{
        BrokerAddrs:  kafkaConfig.Brokers,       // compulsory
        Topic:        kafkaConfig.ConsumedTopic, // compulsory
        GroupName:    kafkaConfig.ConsumedGroup, // compulsory
        KafkaVersion: &kafkaConfig.Version,
        NumWorkers:   &kafkaConfig.KafkaParallelMessages,
    if kafkaConfig.SecProtocol == config.KafkaTLSProtocolFlag {
        cgConfig.SecurityConfig = kafka.GetSecurityConfig(
    cg, err := kafka.NewConsumerGroup(ctx, cgConfig)
    cgConfig := &kafka.ConsumerGroupConfig{
        BrokerAddrs:  cfg.Brokers,       // compulsory
        Topic:        cfg.ConsumedTopic, // compulsory
        GroupName:    cfg.ConsumedGroup, // compulsory
        KafkaVersion: &cfg.KafkaVersion,
        NumWorkers:   &cfg.KafkaParallelMessages,
    if kafkaConfig.SecProtocol == config.KafkaTLSProtocolFlag {
        cgConfig.SecurityConfig = kafka.GetSecurityConfig(
    cg, err := consumer.New(ctx, cgConfig)




If the producer/consumer can establish a connection with the Kafka cluster, it will be initialised at creation time, which is usually the case. But it might not be able to do so, for example if the kafka cluster is not running. If a producer/consumer is not initialised, it cannot contact the kafka broker, and it cannot send or receive any message. Any attempt to send a message in this state will result in an error being sent to the Errors channel.

An uninitialised producer/consumer will try to initialise later, asynchronously, in a retry loop following an exponential backoff strategy. You may also try to initialise it calling Initialise(). In any case, when the initialisation succeeds, the initialisation loop will exit, and the producer/consumer will go to its next state.

You can check if a producer/consumer is initialised by calling IsInitialised() or wait for it to be initialised by waiting for the 'Initialised' channel to be closed, like so:

    // wait in a parallel go-routine
    go func() {
    // block until kafka is initialised

Waiting for this channel is a convenient hook, but not a necessary requirement.

Note that initialised consumers will be in 'Stopped' state until Start is called.

Message production

Messages can be safely sent to Kafka by using the producer Send function, which marshals the provided event with the provided schema and then sends the data to the Output channel. An error will be returned if marshal fails or the Output channel is closed:

    err := producer.Send(ctx, schema, event)

Alternatively, you may send the byte array directly to the Output channel, like so:

    producer.Channels().Output <- BytesMessage{Value: []byte(msg), Context: ctx}

Message consumption using handlers

This is the recommended approach.

You can register one handler in order to Consume messages in a managed way. There are two types of handlers available: single message and batch, but only one handler can be registered per consumer.

Single message

You may register a single-message handler like so:

    // Create Handler struct with all required dependencies
    type Handler struct {}

    // Implement the Handler func
    func (h *Handler) Handle(ctx context.Context, workerID int, msg kafka.Message) error {
        log.Info(ctx, "message processed", log.Data{"worker_id": workerID})
        return nil


    // register the handler to your kafka consumer
    consumer.RegisterHandler(ctx, handler.Handle)

By default, messages are consumed sequentially, but you can provide a NumWorkers value greater than one to consume messages concurrently. One go-routine will be create for each worker.

Note that the number of concurrent messages that will be consumed is the number of partitions assigned to this consumer group. If NumWorkers is greater, the number of concurrent messages will be capped to the number of partitions.

Batch of messages

You may register a batch-message handler like so:

    // Create Handler struct with all required dependencies
    type Handler struct {}

    // Implement the Handler func
    func (h *Handler) Handle(ctx context.Context, batch []kafka.Message) error {
        log.Info(ctx, "batch processed", log.Data{"size": len(batch)})
        return nil

    // register the batch handler to your kafka consumer
    svc.consumer.RegisterBatchHandler(ctx, handler.Handle)

Incoming messages will be accumulated until a total of BatchSize messages, or after a period of BatchWaitTime has elapsed. Then the Handler will be called with the batch of messages. No messages will be committed until the handler finishes its execution. Batch handling is sequential: NumWorkers is ignored.

Message consumption using Upstream channel directly

This approach is NOT recommended. Only to be used if you need to implement your own message processing strategy which is different than the default handlers.

Messages can be consumed by creating an infinite consumption loop. Once you are ready to consume another message, you need to call Release(), and once a message has finished being processed you need to call Commit(). You may call CommitAndRelease() to do both at the same time:

// consumer loop
func consume(upstream chan kafka.Message) {
    for {
        msg := <-upstream

You may create a single go-routine to consume messages sequentially, or multiple parallel go-routines (workers) to consume them concurrently:

    // single consume go-routine
    go consume(channels.Upstream)
    // multiple workers to consume messages in parallel
    for w := 1; w <= kafkaConfig.ParallelMessages; w++ {
        go consume(channels.Upstream)

You can consume up to as may messages in parallel as partitions are assigned to your consumer, more info in the deep dive section.

Message consumption - Sarama Kafka sessions


Sarama creates as many go-routines as partitions are assigned to the consumer, for the topic being consumed.

For example, if we have a topic with 60 partitions and we have 2 instances of a service that consumes that topic running at the same time, kafka will assign 30 partitions to each one.

Then Sarama will create 30 parallel go-routines, which this library uses in order to send messages to the upstream channel. Each go-routine waits for the message to finish being processed by waiting for the message-specific upstreamDone channel to be closed, like so:

    channels.Upstream <- msg

The consumer can consume messages from the Upstream channel in parallel, up to the maximum number of partitions that Sarama allocated to the consumer. In the example above, that would be a maximum of 30 messages in parallel.

Each Sarama consumption go routine exists only during a particular session. Sessions are periodically destroyed and created by Sarama, according to Kafka events like a cluster re-balance (where the number of partitions assigned to a consumer may change). It is important that messages are released as soon as possible when this happens. The default message consumption timeout is 10 seconds in this scenario (determined by config.Consumer.Group.Session.Timeout).

When a session finishes, we call Consume() again, which tries to establish a new session. If an error occurs trying to establish a new session, it will be retried following an exponential backoff strategy.

Start/Stop consumer

A consumer can be stopped by calling Stop():

  • If the consumer was not initialised, this will set the initial state to 'stopped', so the consumer will do nothing until it is started.
  • If the consumer is Satarting/Consuming, the sarama handler will be notified that it needs to stop: it will stop processing any in-flight message, it will not consume any new message and it will terminate the session.

Stop() is asynchronous: if the consumer is consuming, it will return as soon as the control go-routine is notified, without waiting for it to finish. If the caller needs to block until the consumer has completely stopped consuming, then you can call StopAndWait(), which is synchronous.

A consumer can be started by calling Start():

  • If the consumer was not initialised, this will set the initial state to 'starting', so the consumer will start consuming straight away after being initialised.
  • If the consumer is Stopping/Stopped, the idle loop will be notified that it needs to start consuming.

Waiting for a state to be reached

If your code requires to perform some action only after a specific state has been reached, you may use the corresponding State channel. Each state channel is closed every time a state is reached, and reopened when the state is left. In order to access the channels in a thread-safe manner, they have been wrapped with a RW-Mutex, and a Wait() func has been implemented.

For example, the following code will only be executed once the Consuming state has been reached. If the consumer is already in Consuming state, the code will not block:

    // Wait for consuming state

A function called StateWait has been implemented for simplicity, which does the same. You can call it like so:

    // Wait for consuming state

Waiting for a state in a select statement

If you require to wait until a state is reached or some other condition happens, you may use a select statement with the corresponding state channel.

If you need to do this, you will need to acquire the read lock on the state channel to prevent any race condition, releasing it as soon as your code is no longer waiting on the channel.

For example:

delay := time.NewTimer(someTime)
select {
case <-delay.C:
case <- consumer.StateWait(kafka.Consuming)
    // At every exit point from the select (other than the one above), we need to check:
    // Ensure timer is stopped and its resources are freed
    if !delay.Stop() {
        // if the timer has been stopped then read from the channel
    // release the 'delay' timer as what is done in the code base

WARNING: Make sure you release the lock as soon as possible. Blocking it will prevent the kafka consumer state machine from transitioning to the state again in the future!


Producers can be closed by calling the Close method.

For graceful handling of Closing consumers, it is advised to use the StopAndWait() method prior to the Close method. This will allow inflight messages to be completed and successfully call commit so that the message does not get replayed once the application restarts.

The Closer channel is used to signal to all the loops that they need to exit because the consumer is being closed.

After successfully closing a producer or consumer, the corresponding Closed channel is closed.


The headers are key-value pairs that are transparently passed by Kafka between producers and consumers.By default the traceid predefined header will be added to every kafka producer message.There is also the option to add custom headers to kafka by doing the following

// Create Producer with channels and config
pChannels := kafka.CreateProducerChannels()
pConfig := &kafka.ProducerConfig{MaxMessageBytes: &cfg.KafkaMaxBytes}
producer, err := kafka.NewProducer(ctx, cfg.Brokers, cfg.ProducedTopic, pChannels, pConfig)
producer.AddHeader(key, value)

The consumers can then retrieve these headers by the GetHeader api as follows.

// consumer loop
func consume(upstream chan kafka.Message) {
	for {
		msg := <-upstream
		value := msg.GetHeader(key)


The health status of a consumer or producer can be obtained by calling Checker method, which updates the provided CheckState structure with the relevant information:

check, err = cli.Checker(ctx)
  • If a broker cannot be reached, the Status is set to CRITICAL.
  • If all brokers can be reached, but a broker does not provide the expected topic metadata, the Status is set to WARNING.
  • If all brokers can be reached and return the expected topic metadata, we try to initialise the consumer/producer. If it was already initialised, or the initialisation is successful, the Status is set to OK.

Health subscription

The consumer group implements dp-healthcheck's Subscriber interface. You can subscribe the kafka consumer to a set of dp-healthcheck Checks. Then the consumer will start consuming when 'Ok' status is reported and it will stop when 'WARNING' or 'CRITICAL' statuses are reported.

Assuming you have a healthcheck hc, you can subscribe a kafka consumer like so:

    hc.Subscribe(consumer, check1, check2, check3)


  • A kafka consumer may be subscribed to multiple checkers, but it must be subscribed to only one healthcheck library instance.

  • Once the consumer is subscribed, calls to Start/Stop must not be manually performed, as they would interfere with the managed calls on health change events.


See the examples below for some typical usages of this library.


Some mocks are provided, so that you can test your code interactions with this library. More details here.

Drain topics

In some scenarios we may need to "drain a topic", or consume all the messages in a particular topic and group, disregarding them. For example, in a component test that uses a kafka docker stack for testing, we need to make sure all the messages are consumed before starting the following test. Another example is an environment where a bug happened and messages were not committed, in that case we might want to drain a topic before releasing the fix to prevent a bottleneck of too many messages that are actually not needed.

A tool to drain topics is provided as part of this library. You can drain multiple topics in parallel by providing multiple DrainTopicInput structs, like so:

			BrokerAddrs:  cfg.BrokerAddrs,
			KafkaVersion: cfg.KafkaVersion,
			Timeout:      cfg.Timeout,
			BatchSize:    cfg.BatchSize,
			Topic:     "myTopic-1",
			GroupName: "myGroup-1",
			Topic:     "myTopic-2",
			GroupName: "myGroup-2",
			Topic:     "myTopic-N",
			GroupName: "myGroup-N",

This will create N go routines with a consumer in each. Each consumer will consume messages in batches of up to BatchSize. When all messages are consumed for a topic and group, the corresponding consumer and go-routine is closed. DrainTopics will block until all topics have been drained.

WARNING: Services should not drain topics. This may be used by platform engineers to clean up environments, or by component tests to clean up local stacks between scenarios.

Upgrading to v4 from v3

Version 4 of dp-kafka introduces some breaking changes which were required in order to pass opentelemetry trace data to the Kafka producers. Each of the send methods below now requires a context to be passed in.

    err := producer.Send(ctx, schema, event)

Direct output to the channel requires a message wrapper object which contains the payload and the appropriate context

    producer.Channels().Output <- BytesMessage{Value: []byte(msg), Context: ctx}

Upgrading to v3 from v2

Version 3 of dp-kafka introduces some breaking changes, some of which are detailed below to help dependent applications. Not all steps to upgrade are captured below, but ones that have been seen in previous upgrades to dp-kafka v3.


In version 2, the Producer was created as follows:

  func kafka.NewProducer(ctx context.Context, brokerAddrs []string, topic string, channels *kafka.ProducerChannels, pConfig *kafka.ProducerConfig) (producer *kafka.Producer, err error)

In version 3, the topic and brokerAddrs are encapsulated as part of the pConfig like below:

type ProducerConfig struct {
    // ...some more config
    Topic          string
    BrokerAddrs    []string
    // ...some more config

The channels are instantiated as part of the NewProducer function and do not need to be passed in.


In version 2, the Consumer Group was created as follows:

  func NewConsumerGroup(ctx context.Context, brokerAddrs []string, topic, group string,
    channels *ConsumerGroupChannels, cgConfig *ConsumerGroupConfig) (*ConsumerGroup, error)

In version 3, the topic, brokerAddrs, group are encapsulated as part of the cgConfig like below:

type ConsumerGroupConfig struct {
    // ...some more config
    Topic             string
    GroupName         string
    BrokerAddrs       []string
    // ...some more config

The channels are instantiated as part of the NewConsumerGroup function and do not need to be passed in.


In version 2, you could instantiate a go-routine that waited on the errors channel and logged any errors like this:

    func (consumerChannels *ConsumerGroupChannels) LogErrors(ctx context.Context, errMsg string) {

In version 3, this is done at the Producer level, instead of the Channel and it doesn't take an errMsg:

    func (p *Producer) LogErrors(ctx context.Context) {

This may require alterations to mocks in tests to add a blank LogErrorsFunc, like so:

    kafkaProducerMock := &kafkatest.IProducerMock{
        ChannelsFunc: func() *kafka.ProducerChannels {
            return &kafka.ProducerChannels{}
        CloseFunc: funcClose,
        LogErrorsFunc: func(ctx context.Context) {
            // Do nothing


v3 introduces a new config item for the minimum brokers that must be healthy for both consumers and producers.

This is passed as part of the config for both ConsumerGroupConfig and ProducerConfig as:

    MinBrokersHealthy *int

We typically set this via env vars and default to 2. Bear in mind component testing typically only uses one broker and so you may need to adjust the thresholds in test environments.


Go module implementing a kafka client wrapper, abstracting messages to go channels







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