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bi is an arbitrary precision integer library for C++.

Table of Contents


For detailed documentation, including this document and an API reference, visit the bi Documentation.

Building from Source


  • CMake (version 3.15 or higher): Required for configuring and building the project.
  • C++20 compiler.

Steps to Build

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url-or-ssh>
    cd bi
  2. Create a build directory:

    mkdir build && cd build
  3. Configure the build:

    For the default configuration:

    cmake ..

    For custom configurations, refer to the Options section below.

    Note: The bi library targets C++20. Sometimes, the default compiler found by CMake might lack support for some C++20 features used in the library. CMake allows you to specify the compiler manually. For instance:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++

    More generally:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/your/compiler
  4. Build the library

    cmake --build .
  5. Run Tests (if applicable):

    If BUILD_TESTS is enabled (default is ON), run the tests using:

  6. Install the Library:

    cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/install

    Replace /path/to/install with the desired installation directory.


Configure the build by appending these options to the cmake command in step 3:

  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: Build shared libraries (ON/OFF). Default is OFF.
  • BUILD_TESTS: Build the tests (ON/OFF). Default is ON.

Release-Optimized or Debug Build

  • Single-configuration generators. Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release at configuration time:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

    For single-configuration generators, if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not specified, this library will set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release by default. For a debug build, use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.

  • Multi-configuration generators (e.g. Visual Studio). The build type for these generators is selected at build time, not at configuration time. Use the --config Release option with the cmake --build command to specify a release build:

    cmake --build . --config Release

    For a debug build, use the --config Debug option.


  • Enabling the export of compile commands is useful for tools like linters or editors. To do this, set CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS to ON. For example:


Finding and Linking Against the Library Using find_package()

To integrate the bi library into a CMake project, locate and link against it using CMake's find_package() command.

  1. Install the bi Library or Use a Packaged Version of the Library
  • Install the bi Library

    Ensure that bi is installed on your system. If you haven't already installed it, or if you're unsure how to do so, refer to the Building From Source section for steps on creating a build directory, configuring, building, and installing the library.

  • Use a Packaged Version of the Library:

    Alternatively, if you have a CPack-generated package of the bi library, extract it to a preferred location. This option is useful if you prefer not to build from source or are distributing the library to others.

    Important Note: If you install the library or extract a packaged version of it to a non-standard location (i.e., not in the default system paths), note the path (e.g., /path/to/install). You may need this information for setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in your project, enabling CMake to find and link the library.

  1. Configure Your Project to Find the bi Library

    In your project's CMakeLists.txt file, use the find_package() command to locate the bi library:

    find_package(bi REQUIRED)
  2. Link Against the bi Library

    After finding the bi library with find_package(), link it to your target:

    add_executable(sample sample.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(sample PRIVATE bi::bi)
  3. Setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (if necessary)

    This step is only necessary if you installed or extracted bi to a non-standard location, say, /path/to/install.

  • Option 1: Using Command Line

    Set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to /path/to/install when configuring your project.

    For example:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/install
  • Option 2: Modifying CMakeLists.txt

    Alternatively, append the path to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in your project's CMakeLists.txt:

    list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /path/to/install)

    Add this before the find_package() call.

Packaging with CPack

After building the bi library, one can create a distributable package using CPack, containing the compiled binaries and necessary headers.

Creating a Package

  1. Complete the build process as described in Building from Source.

  2. In the build directory, run:


    Refer to the cpack documentation for additional options and details.

Using the Packaged bi Library in Projects

Users with compatible platforms can integrate the packaged bi library into their projects.

For example, for CMake-based projects:

  1. Extract the Package: After downloading or receiving the CPack-generated package, extract it to a preferred location on your system.
  2. Configure the Project: In your CMake project, inform CMake where to find the bi library by setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the path of the extracted library. This can be done within the CMakeLists.txt file or as a command-line argument during CMake configuration. Refer to the section on Finding and Linking Against the Library Using find_package().

This approach allows users to integrate the library into their CMake-based projects, bypassing the need to build the library from source.