Thank you for supporting the bot, but it has now been deprecated.
The default prefix for this bot is -
Use the help command to get the most updated list of bot commands. (-help
Meme, Roast, Ascii, Advice, Joke, Coin, 8Ball, PP, RPS, Christmas, Dog, Cat, Tic-Tac-Toe, ChangeMyMind, PH, Ship, Fast Type, Chaos Words, Fight, Chat, Snake, Betrayal (BETA), Chess (ALPHA), Fishing (BETA), Poker (BETA), YoutubeTogether (BETA).
Alarm, Amazing, Ask, Baka, Bite, Blush, Blyat, Boop, Clap, Coffee, Confused, Cry, Cuddle, Cute, Dance, Destroy, Die, Disappear, Dodge, Error, Facedesk, Facepalm, FBI, Fight, Happy, Hide, Highfive, Hug, Kill, Kiss, Laugh, Lick, Lonely, Love, Mad, Money, Nom, Nosebleed, Ok, Party, Pat, Peek, Poke, Pout, Protect, Puke, Punch, Purr, Pusheen, Run, Scared, Scream, Shame, Shocked, Shoot, Shrug, Sip, Slap, Sleepy, Smile, Smoke, Smug, Spank, Spin, Stare, Stomp, Tickle, Trap, Triggered, Uwu, Wasted, Wave, Wiggle, Yeet.
Anime Trivia, Kanna, AnimeQuote, Sign, Anime.
Calc, Userinfo, Avatar, Weather, Serverinfo, Botinfo, EmojiInfo, Ping, Emoji, Verse, ServerPicture, QR Code, Minecraft, Banner.
Play, Pause, Resume, Stop, Skip, Queue, Volume, NowPlaying, Leave, Loop, Lyrics, Remove, Shuffle, SkipTo, Playlist.
Valorant Map, Valorant Agent, Annoucements, Dev, Esports, MMR, Updates.
Ban, Kick, Poll, Close, DM, Nickname, Setprefix.
Docs, Channel.
Use this command in the welcome channel to set up welcome messages. (Please note that you can do "<@>" to send the username of the user that just joined. You can also do -simwelcome
to test welcome messages.)
-setwelcome [welcome message]
-setwelcome Welcome to the server, <@>!
Welcome to the server, @OblivionGhoul!
Use this command in the leave channel to set up leave messages. (Please note that you can do "<@>" to send the username of the user that just joined. You can also do -simleave
to test leave messages.)
-setleave [welcome message]
-setleave Goodbye, <@>!
Goodbye, @OblivionGhoul!
Join my discord server above for support. You can also open an issue on GitHub.
All contributions are welcome! I am new to GitHub and Javascript, so any advice would be great! I will also accept recommendations on new commands.
Special thanks to Henrik for the ValorantAPI!