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Mshop is a Wechat Miniprogram e-commerce shop, built with Nodejs & Python backend, and MINA frontend (default MP framework) and ElectronJS for admin dashboard


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Establish development environment under Windows system


The following software needs to be installed and configured in advance

-git-code management tool -nginx-web server -postgresql-Database (It is recommended to install version 10) -node & npm-npm package management tool -python-It is recommended to install version 3.7.


A database needs to be established to store the data of camel-store.

The database used in the document is named camelstore, which is owned by user camelstore.

It is recommended to use the application pgAdmin to complete the operations of creating new databases and users.


  1. Run git clone --recurse-submodules to pull this repository locally, remember to add the --recurse-submodules parameter.
  2. Enter the camel-store directory


Because react.js is used to write the management backend, when debugging admin, nginx is needed to distribute static resource requests and api requests.

  1. Add the file in the nginx configuration folder and write the following:
    listen 8080;
    location / {
        proxy_pass $scheme://localhost:8001;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    location /api/ {
        proxy_pass $scheme://localhost:8000;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  1. Open the nginx.conf file with Notepad, and add include; in http {} to reference the configuration in the file.

  2. Use the nginx -t command to verify whether the configuration file is correct.

  3. Run nginx to start nginx, if it is already started, restart nginx -s reload.

  4. As an administrator, run echo >> C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to add the domain name to the hosts file.

    1. You can also open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with Notepad as an administrator, and add a line of configuration at the end.

api section

Enter the api directory.

  1. Run pip install -U pip setuptools pipenv to install the upgrade package management tool.

To install various dependencies.

  1. Run pipenv sync to install the virtual environment.
  2. Run pipenv shell to enter the virtual environment.
  3. Run django-admin version to see if it is version 2.2. We currently do not support version 3.0 or higher.

cd packages Enter the directory of the dependent package, then enter the qapi, qcache, qsmstoken, and quser directories respectively, and run python develop one by one to install the development version.

Next, start configuring the project.

  1. cd conf/settings
  2. copy generates a local configuration environment.
  3. Choose your favorite editor, open the file, and fill in the SECRET_KEY and DEFAULT_DB items. Remember to use a random string of dozens of characters in SECRET_KEY.
  4. Go back to the api directory.
  5. Run python migrate to create various data tables, and then run
    1. python init_staff creates initial user data
    2. python format_groups to create initial grouping data
    3. python updateconfig to modify the configuration, see the help for related parameters.
    4. python wechatconfig to modify the configuration, see the help for related parameters.
    5. python changepassword admin to modify the password of the previously generated admin account.
  6. Run python runserver to run it and see.
    1. Open the browser and visit http://localhost:8000/api/sitemap/, if you can see the rest-framework interface, it means that the api is running normally.
    2. Visit again, theoretically, you should be able to see the same page. If it cannot be accessed, it may be that the listening port of nginx is not 8080.

The third-party configuration is also in the file, see [ for details.

admin section

Enter the admin directory.

  1. Run npm install to install the modules that the project depends on. Depending on the network situation, it may take a while.
  2. Run npm start to run admin,
  3. Open the browser, visit, you should see the login interface of admin, enter the account password, you can successfully log in.

wxapp section

Enter the wxapp directory.

  1. Run npm install to install the modules that the project depends on. Depending on the network situation, it may take a while.
  2. Run npm i -g wepy-cli to arrange scaffolding.
  3. Run npm run build to compile the wpy file.
  4. Open the project with WeChat Developer Tools (in the camel-store\wxapp\dist directory), you can see the applet interface in the simulator.

The default data interface is, you can find the following statement in the file src/service/index.js

export const baseUrl ='';

Modify the value of baseUrl to access other interfaces.

At this point, the development environment has been established.

Deploy under Ubuntu18

1. Basic installation

1.1 Update the software source of ubuntu

New ubuntu virtual machine users may need to first replace the source files in /etc/apt/sources.list with domestic mirror sources

$ sudo apt-get update // Update the installation source (Source)
$ sudo apt-get upgrade // Update installed packages
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade // Update installed packages (identify and handle changes in dependencies)

1.2 Install database postgresql

Need to build a database to store the data of camel-store. The name of the database agreed in the document is camelstore, which is owned by the user camelstore.

# Install postgresql
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql

# Create database
$ sudo -u postgres psql
# Modify the password of the postgres user

# Create this project's database and its owner
postgres=# create user camelstore with password'YOUR_PASSWORD';
postgres=# create database camelstore owner camelstore;

1.3 Python

camel-store requires at least Python 3.6 or higher. Currently 3.6/3.7 are more commonly used. It is recommended to use pyenv for python version management, use pyenv-virtualenv to create the corresponding virtual environment, use pipenv manages the virtual environment. Take 3.7.4 as an example here.

# Install pyenv
$ git clone ~/.pyenv
$ echo'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source .bash_profile

# Install pyenv-virtualenv
$ git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
$ echo'eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source .bash_profile

# Some dependency packages that need to be installed before installing python
$ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev gcc
$ sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm

# Install python 3.7.4
$ pyenv install 3.7.4

# Create a virtual environment
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.7.4 camel-store

# At this point, through the command pyenv versions, you should be able to see the downloaded python version and the virtual environment created based on this version

# Install pipenv
$ sudo pip install pipenv
# If you cannot download due to network reasons, you can use domestic sources such as:
$ sudo pip install pipenv -i

2. Project code

2.1 Pull code through git

# Install git
$ sudo apt-get install git

It is recommended to run git clone --recurse-submodules under the directory /home/ubuntu/project/camel-store/ to pull this repository locally , Remember to add the --recurse-submodules parameter.

2.2 Make the project automatically activate the virtual environment

Create the file .python-version in the /home/ubuntu/project/camel-store/ directory, and write the virtual environment name camel-store created in step 1.3 in the file. Whenever you enter this directory, you should be able to automatically activate the virtual environment.

2.3 api section

Enter the api directory.

  1. Install dependent libraries:
    1. Run pipenv sync to install the virtual environment.
    2. Run django-admin --version to check whether the current django version is version 2.2. The project does not yet support django 3.0 and above.
  2. Install the local dependency library: cd packages Enter the directory of dependent packages, and then enter the qapi, qcache, qsmstoken, and quser directories respectively, and run python3 develop one by one to install the development version.
  3. Start configuring the project:
    1. cd conf/settings
    2. cp generates local configuration environment.
    3. Choose your favorite editor, open the file, and fill in the SECRET_KEY and DEFAULT_DB items. Remember to use a random string of dozens of characters in SECRET_KEY.
    4. Go back to the api directory.
    5. Run python3 check to test whether there is a problem with the code
    6. Run python3 migrate to create various data tables, and then run
      1. python3 init_staff creates initial user data
      2. python3 format_groups to create initial grouping data
      3. python3 updateconfig to modify the configuration, see the help for related parameters.
      4. python3 wechatconfig Modify the configuration, see the help for related parameters.
      5. python3 changepassword admin to modify the password of the previously generated admin account.
      6. Run python3 runserver, and the program should be able to run.
  4. The third-party configuration is also in the file, see [ for details.

2.4 admin section

  1. Install the software
# Install node.js and npm
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
$ sudo apt-get install npm
# Install the module used to manage the version of node.js n
$ sudo npm install -g n
# Install the latest version of node.js through the n module
$ sudo n latest
# Upgrade npm to the latest version
$ sudo npm install npm@latest -g
# View version
$ sudo node -v
$ sudo npm -v
  1. Enter the admin directory.
    1. Run npm install to install the modules that the project depends on. Depending on the network situation, it may take a while.
    2. Run npm run build

2.5 Deployment file

2.5.1 Create a configuration file

Create a folder deploy under the /home/ubuntu/project/camel-store/ directory, and place 3 files nginx.conf, supervisor.conf, uwsgi.ini under the deploy directory.

If the file directory is inconsistent with the document project directory, you need to modify the path by yourself. The server_name in the nginx.conf file needs to fill in your own SERVER_NAME or HOST.

2.5.2 Soft connection configuration file

This is not to cover the original nginx.conf and supervisor.conf The naming here is only for the convenience of judging the specific configuration file

$ sudo ln -s /home/ubuntu/camel-store/deploy/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/camel-store.conf
$ sudo ln -s /home/ubuntu/camel-store/deploy/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/camel-store.conf
2.5.3 Start nginx
# Install nginx
$ sudo apt-get install nginx
  1. Run nginx -t to verify that the configuration file is correct.
  2. Run sudo service nginx start to start nginx, if it is already started, to restart nginx, run sudo nginx -s reload
2.5.4 Verify uwsgi

Run uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini in the deploy directory. If it runs normally, you can exit with ctrl+c.

2.5.5 Start supervisor

Use supervisor to manage uwsgi process.

# Install supervisor
$ sudo apt-get install supervisor

Run sudo supervisorctl reload

At this point, the deployment is basically completed in the ubuntu environment.


Mshop is a Wechat Miniprogram e-commerce shop, built with Nodejs & Python backend, and MINA frontend (default MP framework) and ElectronJS for admin dashboard








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