This program generates a random bodyweight workout. For any given workout length, create over 6,000 unique workouts so you're always stressing your body in new and exciting ways.
python3 python/
Or run with pipenv:
pipenv run python3 python/
Creates a randomized bodyweight workout, taking these inputs in CLI:
- Workout length in minutes
- Cardio option
- Desired output location of text file containing workout
It samples random exercises from python/options.csv, which you can modify for more variety.
- Python 3.8 or higher
- Required libraries: pandas, prompt_toolkit
- CSV file (options.csv) with exercise options and attributes
- Clone the repository.
- Install the required Python libraries using pip install pandas prompt_toolkit.
- Update the options.csv file with your preferred exercises and attributes.
- Run the script and follow the prompts to generate your workout plan.
Printed: 2024-07-21, Sunday
Workout length: 18.0 mins
Sets: 6
Reps: 6
Rest: 90 seconds
ruck military press
navy seal
ruck push up
3 pump burpee
ruck shoulder raise
Set checkbox [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]