This is a set of docker/ansible/terraform/aws recipies for different kind of deployments, e.g., Jupyter, Zeppelin, EMR, Big Data Infrastructure, etc.
It's an example of deploying an EMR spark cluster on aws with a custome instance serving as jupyter server. I connects both by getting the EMR hadoop configuration files.
It's a full laboratory setting up a hadoop cluster from scratch on a set of vagrant machines. It has very basic configuration, no security and no tuning.
Based on hadoop-vagrant lab, includes installing Apache Spark in all the nodes
Contains the Dockerfiles for Apache Spark and Apache Livy docker images as well as a docker-compose file to deloy a local only solution
This is a simple MLflow lab which consists on a docker compose file with a custom dockerized version of MLflow and a dummy postgress database. This lab also comes with a notebook with some examples extracted from the MLflow repositories.
Contains a fully functional docker swarm cluster based in vagrant virtual machines.
Contains a fully functional kubernetes cluster based in vagrant virtual machines.