Releases: Oneflow-Inc/oneflow
Changelog v0.4.0
在这个版本,我们为 OneFlow 新增了大量的功能,0.4.0 是 OneFlow 自开源以来最大的更新。在这个版本中,我们增加了 2-D SBP、流水并行,Checkpoint 的新的接口,以及大量对齐 pytorch 的接口,还支持了 CUDA 11.2。在之前,我们已经开源了 OneFlow 的 GPT 源码,其中大量使用了这个版本的各种新特性,同时也欢迎移步阅读《OneFlow —— 让每一位算法工程师都有能力训练 GPT》这篇文章。
Lazy 模式的功能更新
支持 2-D SBP
- 转为2维
with flow.scope.placement("gpu", "0:0-3", (2, 2)): x = flow.hierarchical_parallel_cast( x, parallel_distribution=["B", "S(1)"] )
- 转为1维
with flow.scope.placement("gpu", "0:0-3", (4,)): x = flow.hierarchical_parallel_cast( x, parallel_distribution=["S(0)"] )
- 创建
的 scope
with flow.experimental.scope.config(
- 为了是流水并行能更好的工作,必须使用梯度累加,可以使用有限内存跑更大 batch。通过 config 设置梯度累加的步数:
func_cfg = flow.FunctionConfig()
@flow.global_function(..., function_config=func_cfg)
支持 ZeRO 优化
- 开启方式:
func_cfg = flow.FunctionConfig()
func_cfg.optimizer_placement_optimization_mode(mode) # mode = "non_distributed" or "distributed_split"
@flow.global_function(..., function_config=func_cfg)
- 示例代码请参考这个测试用例
mode = "distributed_split"
对应 DeepSpeed ZeRO 优化的 stage 2
支持 Checkpointing 的新接口
with flow.experimental.scope.config(
欢迎阅读相关文章:亚线性内存优化—activation checkpointing在oneflow中的实现
Eager 模式的功能更新
import oneflow.experimental as flow flow.enable_eager_execution() # 启用 eager
flow.nn.Conv2d <-> torch.nn.Conv2d flow.nn.BatchNorm2d <-> torch.nn.BatchNorm2d flow.nn.ReLU <-> torch.nn.ReLU flow.nn.MaxPool2d <-> torch.nn.MaxPool2d flow.nn.AvgPool2d <-> torch.nn.AvgPool2d flow.nn.Linear <-> torch.nn.Linear flow.nn.CrossEntropyLoss <-> torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss flow.nn.Sequential <-> torch.nn.Sequential <-> flow.nn.Module.state_dict <-> torch.nn.Module.state_dict flow.nn.Module.load_state_dict <-> torch.nn.Module.load_state_dict <-> flow.load <-> torch.load flow.Tensor <-> torch.Tensor flow.tensor <-> torch.tensor <-> flow.tensor.numpy <-> torch.tensor.numpy flow.tensor 加减乘除 <-> torch.tensor 加减乘除 flow.tensor.flatten <-> torch.tensor.flatten flow.tensor.softmax <-> torch.tensor.softmax flow.optim.SGD <-> torch.optim.SGD
基于上述模块已经可以轻松搭建常用网络,如:ResNet、BERT、MobileNetV3 等。后续版本将对齐/支持更多接口,届时可将大多数基于 Pytorch 搭建的网络,轻松切换到 OneFlow。
快速上手例子 lenet:
对齐 torch vision 的 ResNet50 示例代码:
接下里的几个版本会增加更多 对齐 PyTorch 的接口
下对齐的接口在 0.6.0 版本更新时会被移动到 oneflow 的命名空间下,届时会完全对齐 PyTorch,OneFlow 0.6.0 会将 eager 作为默认的执行方式 -
eager 模式目前只支持单 GPU 运行,在 0.5.0 会支持多 GPU 运行
新的 Python Pip 包名和版本号规则
之前一个 OneFlow 的版本采取的是“不同包名,相同版本名”的规则,如 oneflow_cu102==0.3.4
,从 0.4.0 之后将采取“相同包名,不同版本名”的规则,如oneflow==0.4.0+cu102
,最新安装方式请参考 README Install with Pip Package章节
支持 CUDA 11.2
stable 版本和 nightly 版本的 OneFlow 都支持了 CUDA 11.2 平台(cu112)
ONNX 模块独立仓库
ONNX 模块目前在新仓库 中维护,OneFlow 主仓库中 的 ONNX 相关的代码将在下个版本移除,具体细节可以看《深度学习框架OneFlow是如何和ONNX交互的?》 一文。oneflow_convert_tools 目前是针对 OneFlow 的 lazy 模式开发,目前最新版本号为 v0.3.2,后面针对 eager 模式的 oneflow_convert_tools 版本号将从 0.4.0 开始
在下一个版本的 OneFlow 中,将包含更全面的 PyTorch 兼容,包括更多更丰富的接口支持以及多 GPU 支持。同时,下个版本的 OneFlow 也将支持动静图转换的功能。敬请期待!
Hotfix v0.3.4
bump version 0.3b5 Former-commit-id: 10e43bf85c32b791818a53bc871ceddc02a48a78
Op 修复和性能优化
- [enhancement][op] reduce sum half kernel #4110
- [enhancement][op] simplify cosface #4107
- [enhancement][op] indexed_slices update support weight_decay #4096
- [enhancement][op][python] Migrate
namespace frommath
#4104 - [enhancement][op] Add elementwise maximum/minimum ops #4069
- [enhancement][op] Fix Code format warning in hardswish #4105
- [enhancement][feature][op] Add Scalar Pow #4082
- [bug][op] Fix bug: mut_shape_view of static output maybe null in UserKernel::ForwardShape #4094
- [enhancement][op][refactor] Migrate cast_to_static_shape to user op #4095
- [feature][op] Add GroupNorm op #4089
- [feature][op] Distributed partial sampler #3857
- [enhancement][op][python] add Relu6 activation #4029
- [bug][op] Rename ont_hot_op.cpp to one_hot_op.cpp #4093
- [bug][op][python] fix hardtanh CI precision error #4091
- [enhancement][op] add remove_img_without_anno api for COCOReader #4088
- [enhancement][op] Add Hardtanh activation #4049
- [enhancement][op] Add ELU activation #4065
- [enhancement][op][python] Update #4041
- [documentation][op] Fix in_top_k api document #4079
- [enhancement][op] Add Hardswish activation #4059
- [enhancement][op][python] Add hard sigmoid #4043
- [enhancement][op] Dev in top k #3611
- [bug][op] Fix argwhere tmp buffer infer #4061
- [enhancement][op] Optimize softmax cuda kernel #4058
- [feature][op] Add InstanceNorm 1d & 3d implementation #4052
- [feature][op] Quantization aware training releated ops #3764
- [enhancement][op] Generic unfold kernel implementation #4033
- [enhancement][op] User op dim_gather support dynamic input and index #4039
- [enhancement][op] Reflection pad2d op #3777
- [enhancement][op] slice support empty blob #4025
- [bug][enhancement][op] Migrate argwhere to user op #4021
- [bug][op] Dev rm old tanh #4035
- [enhancement][op][refactor] Make
header only #4030 - [op][purge] Tidy up op_conf.proto #3932
- [enhancement][op][python] Dev bcewithlogits loss #4024
- [feature][op] Add implementation of InstanceNorm2D op #4020
- [enhancement][op][refactor] Refactor gpu_atomic_add #4027
- [enhancement][op][python] add kldivloss #4012
- [enhancement][op][python] Dev oneflow ones #3990
- [enhancement][op] Add flatten/squeeze/expand_dims to auto mixed precision clear list and use reshape instead of reshape_like to do reshape grad computation #4015
- [enhancement][op][python] add pixel shuffle #4003
- [enhancement][op] Scalar kernels use element-wise template #4013
- [enhancement][op][python] add zeros api #3991
- [enhancement][op] Optimize ComputeEntropyGpu with CUB #3930
- [feature][op] CUDA template for element-wise kernels #4007
- [enhancement][system] migrate job_build_and_infer api to pybind11 #3940
- [feature][system] quantization aware training pass #3817
- [eager][enhancement][system] Mig op arg para attr #4102
- [feature][system] Tensor Float 32 Support. #4072
- [enhancement][system] Mig op arg para attr #4090
- [enhancement][system] Mig py cfg sbp #4086
- [enhancement][system] Refactor python remote blob #4081
- [enhancement][system] remove BlobDef #4071
- [bug][system] Fix warning: moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision #4067
- [enhancement][system] Refactor python blob desc #4063
- [feature][system] Add nvtx range and thread naming #4064
- [documentation][enhancement][system] Add docs on installing legacy versions of oneflow #4056
- [bug][system] support eager empty blob #4047
- [enhancement][system] Add err info for ncclGroupEnd check #4048
- [enhancement][system] Optimize dynamic loss scale parameters #4045
- [purge][system] Remove col_id #4046
- [enhancement][system] Scope with symbol #4040
- [enhancement][system] Job desc with symbol #4032
- [enhancement][system] Parallel desc with symbol #4017
- [bug][system] change sbp order value for layer norm #3995
- [bug][system] Fix eager test_resume_training test #4023
- [bug][system] Fix python cfg error bug #4018
- [bug][system] Remove redundant
in GenericLauncher #4014 - [enhancement][system] Set default block size to 512 #4011
- [feature][system] Remove swig in oneflow #3969
- [feature][system] Migrate oneflow internal api to pybind11 #3953
- [build][enhancement][system] Bump nccl from 2.7.3 to 2.8.3 #3875
Eager 模式
- [bug][eager] Fix eager bug of test split like #4004
- [bug][eager] add float16 datatype for eager boxing #4092
Python 前端
- [feature][python] add stack #3897
- [bug][enhancement][python] Fix test kldivloss tolerance #4103
- [bug][enhancement][python] Fix "hardsigmoid" eager test error #4085
- [bug][documentation][python] Add hardsigmoid #4076
- [api][enhancement][python] add deprecate api optimizer.PolynomialSchduler #4038
v0.3.2 (16/12/2020)
- [enhancement][system] Migrate foreigns to pybind11 #3939
- [feature][op][python] add swish activation #3970
- [bug][op] fix argwhere format #4010
- [enhancement][op] Argwhere support empty blob #4009
- [feature][op][python] add mish activation #3972
- [bug][eager] Fix eager memory leak and re-enable new checkpoint #4008
- [ci][enhancement] upload bin to oss #4000
- [enhancement][op] Fuse cast scale #3999
- [enhancement][op] layer_norm_grad_add_to_output #3998
- [enhancement][system] Optimize NcclCollectiveBoxingExecutorBackend::ExecuteGroup latency #3997
- [feature][system] OptimizerPlacementOptimization #3944
- [enhancement][op] Dev optimize prelu #3987
- [api][enhancement][op] Switch identity to user op and add it to auto mixed precision clear list #3992
- [enhancement][op] Optimize slice kernel #3989
- [bug][op] Hotfix: add parallel cast to amp clear list #3988
- [bottleneck][enhancement][system] Sublinear memory cost by checkpointing #3976
- [enhancement][system] Add gradients stats aggregation #3979
- [feature][system] nccl enable mixed fusion #3981
- [enhancement][op] fused_scale_tril / hot fix matmul / softmax broadcast_sub broadcast_div #3980
- [bug][op] add combined margin cpu and fix bug #3961
- [feature][op] Add multi_square_sum op #3977
- [bug][op] fix pad op #3971
- [ci][enhancement][test] larger tol for bn #3965
- [cfg][enhancement][python] Dev replace py job conf proto to cfg #3856
- [enhancement][refactor][ssp] Dev ssp fix fuse and add just #3959
- [cfg][enhancement][refactor][tooling] replace ScopeProto to cfg #3816
- [feature][op] TripOp add fill value #3960
- [enhancement][system] remove serialized in python callback #3891
v0.3.1 (02/12/2020)
- [bug][system] Fix CollectiveBoxingGenericTaskNode::ProduceAllRegstsAndBindEdges #3946
- [bug][op] Fix constant init value #3947
- [api][enhancement][refactor][tooling] Refine custom op build #3925
- [feature][op] add combined margin loss #3819
- [enhancement][tooling] default show cpp error stack frame #3948
- [cfg][enhancement][tooling] Dev replace py parallel conf proto to cfg #3810
- [feature][system] Add NaiveB2PSubTskGphBuilder #3942
- [bug][system] disable new checkpoint by default temporarily #3943
- [bug][system] Explicitly specify the SBP in NonDistributedOptimizerPass #3937
- [bug][op] indexed_slices_model_update handle empty tensor #3933
- [bug][ci] fix oss list file 100 limit #3935
v0.2.0 (09/10/2020)
Op 修复、性能优化
支持二元 add op 与前驱节点融合
kernel 性能优化
- Fused BatchNormAddRelu #3519
- bn_add_relu use bit mask #3645
- layer_norm param grad #3604
- Fused layer norm #3591
- BiasAdd Row Col Half2 #3636
- MaskAndScaleHalf2 #3643
- Optimize CudaAsyncMemoryCopier #3543
- Avoid using local memory in CropMirrorNormalizeGpuKernel #3539
- LayerNormGpuKernel use fused InstanceScaleCenter #3573
使用 user op 实现 model update ops,以及 model update ops 支持 fusion
- Add model update user ops #3546
- Migrate L1L2RegularizeGradientOp to UserOp Framework #3527
- model update fuse scalar_mul_by_tensor #3635
- Dev indexed slices model update user ops #3561
- Dev adam xla and rm sys op #3584
NCCL 支持设置最大融合 op 数量
- Add nccl_fusion_max_ops #3567
新 op
- [feature] Fused ImageDecoderRandomCropResize #3644
- Add AmpWhiteIdentityOp #3658
- Add ImageDecoderRandomCropResizeOp::InferParallelSignature #3646
- Dev add op tril #3511
- add masked fill op #3515
cuDNN 算法推导支持全局缓存
- Add CudnnConvAlgoCache #3649
Bugfix 与 其他
- fix broadcast div grad #3525
- fix optimizer copy-paste bug #3508
- fix bug about pad value #3640
- Optimize some default values #3648
- Fix cuda runtime #3621
- Fix reshape inplace #3545
- Refactor rmsprop
and add unit tests for optimizers #3523 - Remove cuDNN fields from OperatorConf #3536
- Add UserOpConfWrapperBuilder::ScopeSymbolId #3528
- Fix NcclCollectiveBoxing builder_name #3563
- rm conv2d cpu testcase #3574
- fix broadcast_to_compatible_with grad bug #3609
- Add inline for half #3600
- Fix converter half #3599
- Fix gpu_atomic_max double overload use fmaxf #3578
- fix upsample #3579
Eager Execution
- fix fmt cuda_copy_d2h_stream_type #3606
- add comments for cuda_copy_d2h_stream_type.cpp #3603
- Fix TopoForEachNode in GenCollectiveBoxingPlan #3566
- Split call_op_kernel instruction args into const_input/mutable_input/output #3562
- split BlobObject and EagerBlobObject #3485
- remove unused code under vm/ #3585
- Dev broadcast instruction #3555
- Broadcast instruction #3552
pybind11 集成
现在 OneFlow 内 SWIG 和 pybind11 共存,之后会逐步切换到 pybind11
- pybind11 integration #3517
- upgrad to pybind11 master and pass exe path #3522
- Update rel script for pybind11 #3526
- Dev oneflow pybind api #3625
修复了一些导致编译失败缓慢的不合理配置、加速了依赖下载、 修复了 ubuntu dockerfile
- [bug] fix ubuntu docker build #3504
- change link order to fix the cpu+openblas build #3634
- [bug] fix bug: oneflow cpu-only lib flags #3615
- add convert_url_to_oss_https_url and DCN flag #3595
- Add cn url in readme #3583
- make absl use tar not git #3570
- Optimize nvcc gencode flag #3577
Transport 网络传输子系统
支持 P2P 动态网络传输
- [feature] Transport #3549
集成 CFG 工具
CFG 是基于 proto 语法的、生成跨 python、C++ 数据交互代码的工具
XLA 支持优化
升级到了 TF 最新版本
升级到了 GRPC 最新版本
将 XLA 也加入 CI,优化了 op 的测试用例,自动上传 master 最新 commit
- Parallel unit tests (Step 1, refactor existing unit tests) #3632
- Add build type for pr oss upload #3627
- XLA ci support #3564
- Auto upload tar to aliyun oss #3592
- Don't pack source code if it is not master #3593
- move fmt to github hosted #3559
- refactor ci #3557
- CtrlTest find available port for ctrl port instead of handwriting #3610
优化 IR,更新测试脚本
- onnx update #3495
Python 前端修复
- Fix the bug of using op_module_builder in namespace scope #3513
- Comment release global for now to avoid random crash in python #3629
- update lib name in link flags #3623
- rm spaces in rm_spaces #3619
- [enhancement] flat ErrorProto error_type #3474
- [enhancement] Added user_op_conf getter for BatchAxisContext/KernelInitContext/SbpContext #3506
- [bug] Fix UserOpConfWrapper::has_input/has_output #3507
- support reflecting cfg message #3655
- Refactor scope #3652
- Refactor placement scope #3650
- Bugfix split config proto and session job set #3637
- [Bug fix] Release global variables #3624
- Add OpRegistry::SetAreaId #3608
- Dev converter #3580
- Tensor::dptr support half #3582
- Use InferOutBlobDescsIf instead of InferBlobDescsIf in InferOpNodeLogicalBlobDesc #3535
- Add ctrl_in_op_name only when unreachable #3537
grpc0: change openssl, cares install path
Former-commit-id: 86c49d1163d3b822ca076201d8753d15cf895969
version 0.2b1
Former-commit-id: 349289677b3fcd6fd51dd488dda8bf270aa563bf
0.2 beta 0
fix version Former-commit-id: 65069051da5b822fcc8510c0aaa0c8189e00b61d
0.1.11 beta1
upgrade XRT XLA to TF 2.3.0 (#3531) * compile tf 2.3.0 with gcc 7.3 * fix oneflow eigen * minor fix * fix include * update protobuf if xla is on * update path of tf proto generated cpp files * fix path in script * add .clangd to git ignore * update xla ifs * update scripts * update path in script for clangd * add gitignore * add cmake flag XRT_TF_URL * rm comment * check in changes * bash tricks to enable gcc 7.3 * use arg to control tuna * bumpversion * fix build wheel * use real path * add dir for cpu * fix unwanted yum update cublas * uncomment all * rm suffix of wheelhouse_dir * add log info Co-authored-by: tsai <> Co-authored-by: tsai <> Former-commit-id: da12e8db4f52d3c5351f0e43f3677dd948d3801d