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Manually merging terms from other ontologies

stap-m edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

In order to reuse terms already defined in other ontologies these are imported into the import-modules. This is usually done automaticaaly.

In case a manual import has to be done, this can be done via ROBOT:

This shows the example of importing realized in from RO.

  1. Open a command-line in the directory the module resides in
  2. Download latest version of source ontology
curl -L > ro.owl
  1. Look up URL of required term in ontologies documentation. realized in

  2. Extract term via ROBOT without hierarchy (see ROBOT documentation for extraction including hierarchy):

robot merge --input ro.owl extract --method MIREOT --lower-term --upper-term owl:topObjectProperty --intermediates none --output ro-extract-manually.owl
  1. Merge the term into the required module:
robot merge --input ro-extracted.owl --input ro-extract-manually.owl --output ro-extracted.owl
  1. Delete ro.owl and ro-extract-manually.owl
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