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BFO Occurent

stap-m edited this page Jun 17, 2021 · 3 revisions

Occurents are entities that occur, happen, unfold or develop in time.

1. BFO: Process

Depends at least for some time on a material entity and has temporal parts. E.g. the process of sleeping (depends on some life form).

1.1 BFO: History

The sum of all the processes of one material entity at its life time. E.g. the history of the human being Mary.

1.2 BFO: Process Profile

An entity describing the change of one attribute relative to some other over a specific time. E.g. a speed process profile, which plots time against the ratio of distance covered per unit of time.

2. BFO: Process Boundary

A specific moment separating other processes. E.g. the boundary between the 2nd and 3rd year of your life.

3. BFO: Spatiotemporal Region

The space occupied over time by a process. E.g. The spatiotemporal region occupied by the development of a cancer tumor.

4. BFO: Temporal Region

A part of time.

4.1 BFO: Zero-dimensional Temporal Region

A zero-dimensional part of time. E.g. the moment at which a child is born.

4.2 BFO: One-dimensional Temporal Region

A one-dimensional part of time. E.g. The part of time where a human being is alive.

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