Digital images of portraits of logicians used as illustrations in the Open Logic Project.
The copyright situation of the images provided in this repository
varies by image. Some are in the public domain. Some are licensed
under a Creative Commons license. Some are under copyright protection.
The Open Logic Project has obtained permission from the sources and/or
copyright holders, as applicable, of the images included here, to
distribute them for the sole purpose of including them in
non-commercial teaching materials derived from the Open Logic
Project text. If you use these images
in works derived from the Open Logic Project you must include the full
attribution text, provided in the corresponding -credits.tex
in the work, either near the images themselves or in a separate Photo
Credits section. Permission from the sources and/or copyright holders
are required for any other use, including commercial use of works
derived from the Open Logic Project.
To include these photos, clone this repository into assests/photos
i.e., navigate to the assets
subdirectory and clone this repository
(or your fork of it) there.
$ cd OpenLogic/assets
$ git clone
if you use SSH of course).