OST Storage contains DB storage libraries and respective services. It also contains data sharding libraries and services.
There is 1 parameter required while creating the storage implementer.
- First parameter is mandatory and it specifies the configuration strategy to be used. An example of the configStrategy is:
configStrategy =
"cache": {
"engine": "memcached",
"servers": [
"defaultTtl": 36000
"storage": {
"endpoint": "http://localhost:8000",
"region": "localhost",
"apiVersion": "2012-08-10",
"apiKey": "X",
"apiSecret": "X",
"enableSsl": "0",
"enableLogging": "0",
"enableAutoscaling": "0",
"autoScaling": {
"endpoint": "http://localhost:8000",
"region": "localhost",
"apiKey": "X",
"apiSecret": "X",
"apiVersion": "2012-08-10",
"enableSsl": "0"
For all DynamoDB methods parameters description please refer AWS DynamoDB Docs
params dynamodbConnectionParams
const OSTStorage = require('@ostdotcom/storage');
let storage = OSTStorage.getInstance( configStrategy );
let ddbServiceObj = storage.dynamoDBService;
params createTableParams
//Create DynamoDB Table
Table migration needs autoScaleObject
params createTableMigrationParams
params.autoScalingConfig.globalSecondaryIndex[<GSI_INDEX_NAME>].autoScalingConfig - Auto Scaling config of Global Secondary Indexes same as of auto scale table config
// Create Table Migration
// 1. Creates table
// 2. Enables read/write auto scaling
// 3. Returns describe table response
params updateTableParams
// Update DynamoDB Table
params describeTableParams
// Describe DynamoDB Table
params listTableParams
// List DynamoDB Tables
params updateContinuousParams
// Point in time recovery for DynamoDB Table
params deleteTableParams
// Delete DynamoDB table
params batchGetItemParams
// Batch Get Item
params batchWriteItemParams
params unprocessedItemsRetryCount Retry count for unprocessed Items
// Batch Write Item
ddbServiceObj.batchWriteItem(batchWriteItemParams, unprocessedRetryCount);
params queryParams
// Query Items
params scanParams
// Scan Items
params putItemParams
// Put Items
params updateItemParams
// Update an Item
params deleteItemParams
// Delete Items
params tableExistsParams
// Check if table exists and is in ACTIVE state using wait for method
params tableNotExistsParams
// Check if table doesn't exists using wait for method
params tableExistParams
// Check if table exist in ACTIVE state using describe table method
// If table is being created, then response will be false
TableName: "available_shards",
AttributeDefinitions: [
AttributeName: "shardName",
AttributeType: "S"
AttributeName: "entityType",
AttributeType: "S"
AttributeName: "allocationType",
AttributeType: "N"
KeySchema: [
AttributeName: "shardName",
KeyType: "HASH"
GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [{
IndexName: "available_shard_entity_type_allocation_type_index",
KeySchema: [
AttributeName: "entityType",
KeyType: 'HASH'
AttributeName: "allocationType",
KeyType: 'RANGE'
Projection: {
ProjectionType: 'KEYS_ONLY'
ProvisionedThroughput: {
ReadCapacityUnits: 1,
WriteCapacityUnits: 1
ProvisionedThroughput: {
ReadCapacityUnits: 1,
WriteCapacityUnits: 1
TableName: "managed_shards",
AttributeDefinitions: [
AttributeName: "identifier",
AttributeType: "S"
AttributeName: "entityType",
AttributeType: "S"
KeySchema: [
AttributeName: "identifer",
KeyType: "HASH"
AttributeName: "entityType",
KeyType: "RANGE"
ProvisionedThroughput: {
ReadCapacityUnits: 1,
WriteCapacityUnits: 1
DynamoDB params dynamodbConnectionParams
AutoScaling params autoScalingConnectionParams
const OSTStorage = require('@ostdotcom/storage');
let storage = OSTStorage.getInstance( configStrategy );
let ddbServiceObj = storage.dynamoDBService;
let shardManagementObj = ddbServiceObj.shardManagement();
let autoScalingObj = storage.autoScalingService;
Shard migration params ddbServiceObj and autoScalingObj
// Run Shard Migration
// Created available_shards and managed_shards table
shardManagementObj.runShardMigration(ddbServiceObj, autoScalingObj);
addShardParams as JSON params
params.shard_name(String) - Shard name to be added
params.entity_type(String) - Entity type to be assigned to shard
// Add Shard
// Creates item in available_shards table
configureShardParams as JSON params
params.shard_name(String) - Shard name to be added
params.allocation_type(Enum) - Allocation type of Shard :- if
enabled: Provided shard is available for multiple assignment,
disabled: Provided shard is dedicated shard for single identifier
// Configure Shard
// Configure Enable/Disable allocation type
assignShardParams as JSON params
params.identifier(String) - Identifier to be assigned to shard
params.shard_name(String) - Shard name to be assigned
params.entity_type(String) - Entity type of the shard
params.force_assignment(Boolean) - (Optional default: false) Pass true if shard is dedicated and assignment needs to be done.
Note: It should be used in case dedicated shard is assigned first time.
// Assign Shard to an identifier
// Creates entry in managed_shards table
getShardsByTypeParams as JSON params
params.entity_type(String) - Entity type to be assigned to shard
params.shard_type(Enum) - Shard type :- if
all: give all available shards,
enabled: Shard is available for multiple assignment,
disabled: Shard is dedicated for single Id
// Get Shards By Different Types
// Type Values : all/enabled/disabled
hasShardParams as JSON params
params.shard_names(Array{String}) - List of shard names to be queried for existence.
// Does this shard exist in available_shards table
managedShardParams as JSON params
params.entity_type(String) - Entity type of the shard to be queried
params.identifiers(Array) - List of Identifiers to be queried
// Get Managed shards
- Call runShardMigration if shard migrations are not done already. ApiRef
This will create available_shards and managed_shards table in DynamoDB. - Create Shard Table. ApiRef
- Call addShard api. This will add a item in available_shards table. Shard will be added in disabled state. ApiRef
- Call configureShard with allocation_type='enabled' if it's a shared shard. For dedicated shard keep allocation_type='disabled'. ApiRef
- Call assignShard to assign shard to a client/identifier. This creates an item in managed_shards table. ApiRef
- Call getManagedShard to get shardName for a client/identifier. ApiRef
For Parameters description please refer AWS DynamoDB Docs
params autoScalingConnectionParams
const OSTStorage = require('@ostdotcom/storage');
let storage = OSTStorage.getInstance( configStrategy );
let autoScalingObj = storage.autoScalingService;
params registerScalableTargetParams
// Registers or updates a scalable target. Scalable target is a resource that Application Auto Scaling can scale out or scale in. After you have registered a scalable target, you can use this operation to update the minimum and maximum values for its scalable dimension.
params putScalingPolicyParams
// Creates or updates a policy for an Application Auto Scaling scalable target
params deregisterScalableTargetParams
// Deregistering a scalable target deletes the scaling policies that are associated with it.
params deleteScalingPolicyParams
// Deletes the specified Application Auto Scaling scaling policy
params describeScalableTargetsParams
// Gets information about the scalable targets in the specified namespace.
params describeScalingPoliciesParams
// Describes the scaling policies for the specified service namespace.