- The project was created in order to practice Data structures, Iterator, STL algorithms and SFML.
- SFML folder to be placed in C:\SFML, can be downloaded from : https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.5.1/
- Run this project in Visual Studio
- Make sure SFML folder is placed under C:\SFML
- Run the Game.
- Enjoy 😃
- Use the Left/Right Mouse click to rotate the light bulbs clockwise/counter-clockwise.
- The center light bulb provides 'Power'.
- The goal is to provide power to all the lightbulbs to advance to the next stage.
- File is Levels.txt
- All the stages are written in a single file.
- Every stage is seperated with a single line.
- Every light bulb is represented by 'O' character, 'M' represents the center light bulb that alawys has power.
- Right next to these characters there is a digit(1-6) to represent the number of edges for the vertex.
- After the digit there are characters to determine the direction of each vertex.
- Example: O2RL - vertex with 2 edges, one is facing right and the other is facing left.
- Used a vecotr of unique pointers for the vertexes and the edges
- Each vertex has a vector of *vertex for its neigbors.
- Used a bidirectional queue in order to flag an alreday visited vertex.
This is a C++ CMAKE project, created with Visual Studio 2019.
Written by : Or Shahar