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Steps to deploy airflow on local eks

  1. Download the tar chart: wget

  2. Export the templates: helm template --output-dir ./ airflow-1.10.0.tgz

  3. Create a config map to deploy the postgres database: kubectl apply -f configmaps/postgres-configmap.yaml -n local-airflow

  4. Create the persistent volumes and the persistent volume claims: kubectl apply -f persistent-volumes/postgres-storage.yaml -n local-airflow

    • 4.1 Validate the volumes created: kubectl get pv -n local-airflow && kubectl get pvc -n local-airflow
  5. Deploy the postgres db to a pod: kubectl apply -f deployments/postgres-deployment.yaml -n local-airflow

    • 5.1 check the deployment: kubectl get pods -n local-airflow
  6. Create a service to expose the db: kubectl apply -f services/postgres-service.yaml -n local-airflow

  7. Deploy the schemas and tables in the DB:

    • 7.1 Deploy the schemas and tables: - 7.1.1 Install python:, change the version to 3.10.0 - 7.1.2 Get the constraints url: CONSTRAINT_URL="" - 7.1.3 Install the airflow postgres db tables: pip install "apache-airflow[postgres]==2.6.1" --constraint "${CONSTRAINT_URL}" - 7.1.4 Change the db connection in the airfloow.cfg file: sql_alchemy_conn = postgresql+psycopg2://admin:test123@localhost:5432/postgresdb - 7.1.5 init the postgres db: airflow db init
    • 7.2 Get inside the postgres database that was installed into the pod and check for the airflow tables: kubectl exec -it postgres-6496c4d4f7-x8rkb -n local-airflow -- psql -h localhost -U admin --password -p 5432 postgresdb
  8. Create the storage for the dags and logs:

    • 8.1 Create the persistent volumes and the persistent volume claims for dags: kubectl apply -f persistent-volumes/dags-storage.yaml -n local-airflow
    • 8.2 Create the persistent volumes and the persistent volume claims for logs: kubectl apply -f persistent-volumes/logs-storage.yaml -n local-airflow
  9. Create a config map to inyect config variables to airflow: kubectl apply -f configmaps/configmap.yaml -n local-airflow

    • 9.1 Show the config map configuration: kubectl describe configmap airflow-config -n local-airflow
  10. Create a service account for the scheduler: kubectl apply -f scheduler/scheduler-serviceaccount.yaml -n local-airflow

  11. Create a role: kubectl apply -f rbac/pod-launcher-role.yaml -n local-airflow

  12. Create a role binding: kubectl apply -f rbac/pod-launcher-rolebinding.yaml -n local-airflow

    • 12.1 Validate the bind between the service account and the role: kubectl auth can-i list pods --as=system:serviceaccount:local-airflow:airflow-scheduler-serviceaccount -n local-airflow
  13. Deploy the scheduler and webserver: kubectl apply -f deployments/airflow-deployment.yaml -n local-airflow

    • 13.1 Pod logs: kubectl logs airflow-8cc8c598-kkchg -n local-airflow
  14. Create a service to expose the webserver: kubectl apply -f services/airflow-service.yaml -n local-airflow

  15. Make port fordward to access to the webserver UI from your local machine: kubectl port-forward airflow-8cc8c598-kkchg 8080:8080

  16. Create a user to access to the UI: airflow users create --e EMAIL --f FIRSTNAME --l LASTNAME --r ROLE -u USERNAME


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