Note that this set of scripts has only been run on an M1/M2 Mac. Multi-arch containers are often quite slow.
Set your AWS variables into your environment:
(optional) Edit your variables
cat terraform/pdal.tfvars environment_name="pdal-lambda" arch="arm64"
Initialize your Terraform Environment
cd terraform terraform init terraform validate terraform apply -var-file pdal.tfvars
The Terraform configuration will create some resources including an ECR repository to store the image, a role for execution of the lambda, and the lambda itself. Adjust your configuration as needed in ./terraform/resources
Test locally
Fire up the Lambda Docker container in one terminal:
cd docker ./ /var/task/
In another terminal, issue the test. Note that it currently defaults to running on port 9000. Adjust the script as necessary.
cd docker ./ info-event.json
Test remotely
cd docker ./ info-event.json cat response.json