This repo stored my personal nvim config. It use a template which generated by dope.
In my nvim config. I just not use nvim bulitin lsp but
. Because I think the design of coc.nvim is more reasonable and efficient.
├── after
│ └── ftplugin
├── coc-settings.json # global coc.nvim config
├── extensions # some local extensions for coc.nvim
│ ├── coc-improve
│ ├── coc-pos
│ └── coc-stylua
├── init.lua
├── logo.png
├── lua
│ ├── core
│ ├── enhance
│ ├── keymap # global keymap
│ ├── ld
│ └── modules # plugins manager and config
└── snippets # global snippets for coc-snippets
├── go.snippets
├── snippets.snippets
├── typescript.snippets
├── typescriptreact.snippets
└── vue.snippets
Count | Plugin Name |
1 | bufdelete.nvim |
2 | coc-eslint-tools |
3 | coc.nvim |
4 | Comment.nvim |
5 | dressing.nvim |
6 | flash.nvim |
7 | fzf-lua |
8 | hlchunk.nvim |
9 | hlsearch.nvim |
10 | nvim-bqf |
11 | nvim-lastplace |
12 | nvim-osc52 |
13 | nvim-scrollview |
14 | nvim-spectre |
15 | nvim-treesitter |
16 | nvim-ts-context-commentstring |
17 | nvim-ufo |
18 | nvim-web-devicons |
19 | onedarkpro.nvim |
20 | promise-async |
21 | vim-smoothie |
22 | vim-surround |
23 | lazy.nvim |
24 | fcitx.nvim |