42Seoul Webserv Project [klim, sehyan, suhshin]
klim | sehyan | suhshin |
@PIut0 | @ash0814 | @rkskekzzz |
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web server like nginx!
- Multiplexing IO
- Configuration file
- CGI process
- HTTP/1.1 Protocol
- Light Weight
- Status Logger
Anyone can use this server! Folllow this step!
git clone https://github.com/piut0/webserv
cd webserv
./webserv config_example.config
You are free to edit the config file at will. However, the following must be observed.
server { # There must not be a newline between the server and parentheses. It must be a single space.
server_name default; # semicolon is required
listen 8176; # server block need single indent(\t)
location / { # root location block is required
allow_methods GET; # location block need double indent(\t\t)
root ./;
index index.html index2.html;
auto_index on;
cgi_info .bla ./cgi_tester;
Refer to the Google Style Guide.
int snake_case_variable;
std::string snake_case;
const int kConstantValue = 42;
const int kVersion1_0_3 = 0;
int value_; // underscore at end.
// static, non-static 구별없이 common과 동일
int some_int;
static std::string some_string;
enum UpperCamalCase {
// 'k'를 앞에 붙인 lowerCamelCase, like const value
kLikeConstValue = 0,
// 클래스를 정의하고 있는 파일
// 클래스를 구현하고 있는 파일
// 일반 헤더 파일
// 일반 구현 파일
class UpperCamelCase
// 접근지정자는 half indent
public: // public 접근지정자가 있다면 클래스 정의부 최상단에 위치한다.
protected: // protected 접근지정자가 있다면 public 정의부 다음에 위치한다.
private: // private 접근지정자가 있다면 protected 정의부 다음에 위치힌다.
struct UpperCamelCase
enum UpperCamalCase
void UpperCamelCase();
int AnotherFunction(std::string param);
<- no tab with out of scope
<- one tab with inside(one tab is 2 space)
<- half tab with access modifier
if^(condition)^return^true // OK
if^(condition)^{^return^true^} // OK
if^(condition)^{ // OK
for^(int i = 0^;^condition^;^job^)^{ // OK
switch (var) {
case 0: { // 2 space indent
... // 4 space indent
case 1: {
default: {
Braces are optional for single-statement loops.
for (int i = 0; i < kSomeNumber; ++i)
printf("I love you\n");
for (int i = 0; i < kSomeNumber; ++i) {
printf("I take it back\n");
Empty loop bodies should use either an empty pair of braces or continue with no braces, rather than a single semicolon.
while (condition) {
// Repeat test until it returns false.
for (int i = 0; i < kSomeNumber; ++i) {} // Good - one newline is also OK.
while (condition) continue; // Good - continue indicates no logic.
x = *p;
p = &x;
x = r.y;
x = r->y;
// These are fine, space preceding.
char *c;
const std::string &str;
int *GetPointer();
std::vector<char *>
// These are fine, space following (or elided).
char* c;
const std::string& str;
int* GetPointer();
std::vector<char*> // Note no space between '*' and '>'
Do not needlessly surround the return expression with parentheses.
return result; // No parentheses in the simple case.
// Parentheses OK to make a complex expression more readable.
return (some_long_condition &&